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LabVIEW Student Edition screen - RF Cafe

LabVIEW Student Edition

LabVIEW pricing options - RF Cafe

LabVIEW pricing options

LabVIEW Application Builder Add-on - RF Cafe

LabVIEW Application Builder Add-on needed to create Executable versions of software

NI (National Instruments) has made their LabVIEW Student Edition software product available as a free download for students needing it for school projects. The license is good for 6 months. You can always download a trial of standard LabVIEW, but it only has a 30-day license. The LabVIEW Student edition includes most of the same features as the full LabVIEW suite but adds a watermark on the front panel and block diagram. The download screen requires some personal information if you do not already have a NI account set up, but that is not unusual or unreasonable when a company is offering you trial software.

I did the download and was going to set it up and get some screen shots, but after 15 minutes or so it was still installing (and that's on a solid state drive, SSD), so I killed the process and figured I'd find a video that someone else had done (see below). If I had a use for the program I would have let it go ahead and complete the installation, but otherwise I didn't want that much new stuff on my SSHD.

Even though it is called Student Edition, there is no requirement that you prove that you are a student. Terms and pricing can change at any time, so if you have been wanting to try LabVIEW, this might be your best opportunity.

Per the website:

LabVIEW Student Software Suite

The LabVIEW Student Software Suite includes LabVIEW Student Edition plus six additional software add-ons.

The LabVIEW Student Software Suite is a software suite aimed for academic and engineering applications. It provides LabVIEW Student Edition as well as six software add-ons that encompass modulation, measurement, inspection and development capabilities.

The LabVIEW Student Edition is a fully functional programming environment with the same features as LabVIEW Full. The only difference between these two versions of the software is the watermark displayed on the front panel and block diagram of the Student Edition.

The following features are also not included in the LabVIEW Student edition:

  • LabVIEW Application Builder Source code control tools
  • Productivity toolkits such as LabVIEW
  • Report Generation Toolkit


NI / AWR LabVIEW Student Edition Installation



Posted May 12, 2020

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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