Lego Pen Plotter
Videos for Engineers

Lego robots have for many years been a favorite pastime for nerds young and old alike. A Google search of Lego videos will result in a plethora of cool projects that hobbyists have dreamed up - like this Lego Pen Plotter. Lego manufactures a large selection of components for robotics including motors, gears, vision systems, microprocessors, sensors, gears and drive belts. Their Mindstorms NXT series is a good place to start if you are inclined to join the club. Don't bother trying to sell your manager on the cost savings of building this plotter and selling the $8k HP model; it's not quite that good.

Lego Pen Plotter

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

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