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November 1, 2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe - Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Transform type for changing series shorted transmission line stub into a parallel open line stub
6. Type of high frequency diode (abbr.)
9. Type of flip-flop
10. Lunar depressions
12. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
13. Type of data conversion device (abbr.)
15. Parts per million (abbr.)
18. Half of DSB
19. Internet protocol (abbr.)
21. Chemical symbol for scandium
23. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices
25. Test point (abbr.)
26. Opposite of asynchronous
27. Yard (abbr.)
29. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide
30. Metric unit of length (abbr.)
31. Chemical symbol for rhodium
32. Ham's code for "Entire net stand by."
33. Telex-Over-Radio
35. Engineering Change Order (abbr.)
38. Exponent that returns the original number
39. Positive voltage lead color
40. Total radiated power (abbr.)
41. A common battery cell size
43. One component of a complex number (abbr.)
44. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss
46. Chemical symbol for copper
47. Colby ___________, programmable RF delay line manufacturer in Bellevue, WA
49. Chemical symbol for calcium
50. Maximum usable frequency (abbr.)
52. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
53. PC follower
54. Precision landing system (abbr.)
56. Greek letter
57. Filter type (abbr.)
58. Min-to-max voltage of a waveform (abbr.)
60. First magnitude star in Auriga
64. Band between RF and BB
66. ______-Bent, electromagnetics simulation consultants in Geneva, IL
67. Heat required to change a solid into a liquid or a liquid into a gas without change of temperature
1. Chemical symbol for krypton
2. Unit of time (abbr.)
3. Type of current flow
4. Stock symbol for Boeing
5. Chemical symbol for helium
6. Network department (abbr.)
7. Chemical symbol for thallium
8. Chemical symbol for tantalum
11. Junction between two different metals that produces a voltage related to a temperature difference
13. Chemical symbol for arsenic
14. Logarithmic unit of ratio (abbr., pl.)
16. Last stage in transmitter (abbr., pl.)
17. Millimeter (abbr.)
18. _______ Microwave, RF components company... (also a range of frequencies)
19. Grow in amplitude
20. Modulation technique (abbr.)
21. Signal-to-noise ratio (abbr.)
22. In-phase
24. Coaxial ________, RF component and test equipment manufacturer in Middleburg Heights, OH
25. Chemical symbol for terbium
28. Morse Code for "from"
33. Part of a FOR loop
34. Switch position
36. European equivalent to the U.L.
37. Opposite of I.D.
40. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)
42. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.)
43. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.)
45. 1e-6 mA
47. Bands between RF and baseband
48. Half of a DIP
51. One type of electron spin
55. 30 kHz to 300 kHz
58. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
59. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.)
60. Chemical symbol for cesium
61. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
62. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)
63. Chemical symbol for aluminum
64. One port of an amplifier
65. Foot (abbr.)

See solution below

RF Cafe - Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe