Engineering Career News & Tips for December 12, 2014

Engineering Career News & Tips for December 12, 2014 ( - RF CafeThis week's collection of career-related articles starts out with on that cites reasons why overly - and overtly - nice people might not be the most trustworthy amongst your employees / co-workers. It will probably come as no surprise to anyone that "New research suggests habitually pleasant people may not be as deserving of your trust as their more curmudgeonly counterparts." Then again, research papers tend to have the nasty habit of producing results sought after by their authors, particularly if a 'shock factor' can be generated. You'll also be treated to some of this year's most detested buzzwords in the business world. At least half of them made last year's list as well; like a bad cold, they refuse to go away.

Here is a list of current engineering jobs listed on RF Cafe.

Here are the complete job resource lists for 2018, 2019.



Posted December 12, 2014