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Linx Technologies Press Release - September 1, 2009

Linx Technologies, Inc. and World Micro, Inc.
Announce Worldwide Distribution Agreement

 Linx Technologies

Merlin, OR, USA – September 1, 2009 – Linx Technologies, Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of World Micro, Inc as a stocking distributor. “World Micro will further enhance the ability of Linx Technologies’ products to be introduced and readily available to a diverse cross-section of customers. World Micro has an excellent record of meeting the needs and expectations of their customers and we welcome them to the Linx family of distributors”, stated Mike Edmiston, Director of Sales for Linx Technologies.

“We are extremely impressed with the Linx product offering. They truly do make the design and implementation of RF wireless capabilities available in any applications without requiring RF Engineering skills. We are confident we will see high demand for Linx and are excited about supporting our customers with its broad product offering”, commented Todd Ballew, Executive Vice President and General Manager of World Micro.

About World Micro

Based in Atlanta, GA, World Micro serves a global customer base with distribution, sourcing and material management expertise for board level components, embedded computing products and specialty hardware for Military and Aerospace. World Micro supports its customers through a product’s full life cycle: from concept design and prototype to material planning to material purchasing through end-of-life and excess disposition. World Micro delivers superior customer service, unsurpassed quality and exceptional market intelligence to every customer.

About Linx Technologies

Incorporated in April 1997, Linx Technologies quickly became a leading provider within the wireless industry of cost effective, easily applied, and highly versatile radio frequency (RF) products. Today, Linx applies its capacity to simplify electronics to a range of products and technologies including: low-cost wireless voice, data and GPS modules, interface modules, OEM RF products, and encoder/decoder ICs. Through its Antenna Factor and Connector City divisions, Linx also offers a wide range of standard and custom antennas, connectors, and cable assemblies.

Further information regarding this Press Release may be obtained by calling or visiting the companies’
respective websites at:

Linx Technologies
159 Ort Lane
Merlin, OR  97532
www.linxtechnologies.com       (800) 736-6677
www.worldmicro.com               (800) 400-5026


All products, logos, and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.



Posted 10/30/2009

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