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Radiocrafts Press Release - June 8, 2009

Radiocrafts Appoints GLYN as New Distributor for Radio Modules

Click to visit RadiocraftsOslo, Norway, 2009-06-08 -- Radiocrafts AS, a leading supplier of radio modules for communication in the license-free frequency bands, appoints GLYN GmbH & Co. KG as new distributor in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the BeNeLux area.

GLYN is a leading distributor of high-tech microelectronics and has been in the market since 1980. GLYN is selling integrated circuits from leading semiconductor manufacturers, particularly microcontrollers, microprocessors, memory components, optoelectronics and power electronics. Competent consulting, prompt response and good service are the strengths of the company.

Radiocrafts offers the markets widest range of compact RF modules with embedded protocol covering the license-free ISM bands worldwide. Radiocrafts has a leading role within Wireless M-Bus for automatic meter reading (AMR) and was the first company to introduce a solution with this protocol embedded in an easy to use radio module. They also provide modules with integrated and very easy-to-use point-to-multipoint protocol (RC232 protocol), as well as ZigBee modules.

“Radiocrafts’ product range has a huge potential for GLYN and their customers, and it is a strategic important partnership for us. The radio modules from Radiocrafts will enable us to offer a better total wireless solution to our customers”, says Glyn Jones (Managing Director & Owner, GLYN)
Thomas Randt (Wireless Division Manager, GLYN) says that: “We are excited to work with Radiocrafts as we have many customers in the short-range wireless market in our existing customer base. We are now able to offer our customers very cost competitive module solutions, and give our customers significantly shorter time-to-market, as well as a substantially lower development cost, since Radiocrafts’ products are easy to integrate into the products”,

“We are delighted to extend our distribution and presence in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and BeNeLux by partnering with GLYN. With their extensive experience and wide customer base in this region, we are confident that they will contribute to the overall increase in Radiocrafts business”, says Peder Martin Evjen, Managing Director of Radiocrafts.

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For further information please contact:

Peder Martin Evjen, Managing Director, Radiocrafts AS:
Tel: +47 970 86 676, email: p.m.evjen@radiocrafts.com

Marc Hartmann, PR contact, Glyn Jones GmbH & Co.
Tel: +49 (0)6126 590 340, email: marc.hartmann @glyn.de

About Radiocrafts AS: ( www.radiocrafts.com )
Radiocrafts is a leading RF module design and manufacturing company. Radiocrafts’ standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands. Using modules OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add wireless technology into their design, reducing time-to-market, cost of design, test and compliance approvals. Radiocrafts also offers custom and application specific product development, supporting customers from initial project ideas to volume product delivery.

Radiocrafts AS, Sandakerveien 64, 0484 Oslo, Norway, Tel.: +47 4000 5195

About GLYN GmbH & Co. KG: (www.glyn.com)

Founded in 1980, GLYN GmbH & Co. KG is a distributor of electronic parts and displays. The company’s strategic alignment focuses on technical expertise, first-class product support, reliable process execution and logistics. Trained specialists are available to support the customers in all design phases with their expert and useful advice, especially in the wireless fields.

For more information about GLYN GmbH & Co. KG, visit www.glyn.com.

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Peder Martin Evjen, M.Sc.E.E.
Managing Director
Radiocrafts AS
Sandakerveien 64
NO-0484 OSLO
Switchboard: (+47) 4000 5195
Mob: (+47) 970 86 676
Fax: (+47) 22 71 29 15
email: p.m.evjen@radiocrafts.com
web: www.radiocrafts.com

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