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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Radiocrafts Press Release - September 21, 2009

Radiocrafts Launches New Low Cost High Power
RF Module for the 868 MHz ISM Band

Click to visit RadiocraftsOslo, Norway, 2009-09-21 -- Radiocrafts AS, a leading provider of compact RF modules, now expand their RC232 product line family with a completely new high power module, the RC1180HP-RC232. The module is pin compatible with the existing RC11xx-series, and enables extended range using the same low cost design philosophy applicable for the whole RC11xx product family.

Radiocrafts RC1180HP-RC232The RC1180HP-RC232 (868 MHz) module is certified for operation up to 500 mW under the European radio regulations for license-free use. When used with quarter-wave antennas a line-of-sight range of over 3 km can be achieved.

The compact RC1180HP-RC232 module, measuring only 12.7 x 25.4 x 3.3 mm, sets a new standard of integrating high power technology into a complete RF modem in one single tiny package, replacing tens of components compared to a discrete design. No external components are required, except an antenna. The modules are delivered on tape and reel for efficient volume production.

“This miniaturisation of a high power module without compromising the design goals of providing a low cost high performance module, is unique in the industry. The backward compatible properties, both hardware pin-out and the embedded protocol, with the already existing RC11xx-RC232 series, makes the RC1180HP-RC232 an ideal building block for both new and existing customers when range extension is required.“, say Tor-Anders Lunder, Product Line Manager.

The module is a complete RF system solution running on the existing industry proven RC232™ protocol, with an easy-to-use UART interface for both configuration and communication. The embedded RC232™ protocol provides a point-to-multipoint solution with individual addressing or broadcast, and CRC check for signal integrity. The module can also be used as a wireless RS232 / RS485 cable replacement.
Modules and Demo Kits are available now.

                                                           # # #

For further information please contact:
Tom Sjølie, Sales and Marketing Director
Radiocrafts AS
Tel: +47 906 55 358
email: t.sjolie@radiocrafts.com

About Radiocrafts AS: (www.radiocrafts.com)
Radiocrafts is a leading RF module design and manufacturing company. Radiocrafts’ standard
RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high performance RF
solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands. Using
modules OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add wireless technology
into their design, reducing time-to-market, cost of design, test and compliance approvals.
Radiocrafts also offers custom and application specific product development, supporting
customers from initial project ideas to volume product delivery.

Peder Martin Evjen, M.Sc.E.E.
Managing Director
Radiocrafts AS
Sandakerveien 64
NO-0484 OSLO
Switchboard: (+47) 4000 5195
Mob: (+47) 970 86 676
Fax: (+47) 22 71 29 15
email: p.m.evjen@radiocrafts.com
web: www.radiocrafts.com

Posted 9/22/2009
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

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