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Azimuth Systems Press Release - June 28, 2010

Sequans Selects Azimuth Systems ACE MX MIMO Channel Emulator
for Testing of LTE and WiMAX Chipsets

Azimuth Systems

ACTON, MA – June 28, 2010 – Azimuth Systems, Inc., a leading provider of wireless channel emulators and broadband wireless test equipment, today announced that the company’s ACE™ MX MIMO channel emulator has been selected by Sequans Communications, a leading 4G chipmaker, for testing of its LTE and WiMAX chipsets. Azimuth’s ACE MX wireless channel emulator is the leading solution for advanced channel emulation, providing capabilities required for efficient, automated and repeatable testing of the next generation of wireless, carrier-grade LTE and WiMAX solutions, which employ OFDM and advanced antenna techniques such as MIMO.

Sequans is a leading provider of WiMAX semiconductor solutions and in 2009 expanded to address the LTE market, launching an LTE development program backed by Motorola and Alcatel-Lucent. Azimuth’s ACE MX wireless channel emulator will be used to test the first of Sequans’ SQN3000 series LTE chips, the SQN3010. SQN3010 along with SQN3010-powered USB dongles were recently delivered to China Mobile for its launch of the world’s first TD-LTE demonstration network in Shanghai.
“As we look to leverage our international success in the WiMAX market to become a leading provider of LTE chipsets, it was essential that we chose a testing solution that would be able to suit the needs of both technologies with features such as bidirectional capabilities and TDD support,” said Bertrand Debray, vice president of engineering, Sequans Communications. “We chose to use Azimuth’s ACE MX wireless channel emulator because of its superior RF fidelity and the multi-standard coverage it provides. We have found it to be a flexible, easy-to-use and a reliable testing solution that significantly reduces test costs and time, and ultimately ensures the delivery of higher-quality LTE and WiMAX products.” 
The ACE MX wireless channel emulator utilizes advanced digital signaling processing technology to allow real-time testing of MIMO and SISO wireless devices in a multipath fading environment.  It provides dynamic channel emulation that scales for testing single channel devices up to MIMO 4x4 devices – or even up to 8x4 MIMO – and features dedicated bi-directional channel modeling that can accurately emulate real world wireless over-the-air conditions in both the downlink and uplink paths simultaneously.  TDD and FDD modes are also supported and the ACE MX offers an extremely easy-to-use graphical user interface.
“We’re extremely pleased Sequans has selected the ACE MX MIMO channel emulator to both maintain the quality of its extensive WiMAX product line, as well as to enable its advancement in the LTE space,” said Pete Paglia, vice president of sales and business development at Azimuth Systems.  “Our customers continue to benefit from the ACE MX wireless channel emulator’s ease-of-use, advanced features and future-proof architecture to create revolutionary products that will power the next generation of the mobile internet for years to come.”

About Azimuth Systems
Azimuth Systems is a leading provider of wireless channel emulators, wireless broadband test equipment and integrated solutions for Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE and 2G/3G cellular technologies. Azimuth’s products are used by the world’s foremost wireless semiconductor designers, infrastructure and mobile equipment vendors, and service providers to improve wireless product quality and speed time-to-market. Azimuth’s wireless channel emulation and test products and solutions enable research, development, quality assurance and systems engineers to test the performance, conformance, certification and interoperability of broadband wireless devices and networks while greatly reducing the cost and time of manual testing.

The company is based near Boston, Massachusetts USA and may be contacted at +1 (978) 263-6610 or at www.azimuthsystems.com. Follow Azimuth Systems on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/azimuthsystems.

Azimuth® is a registered trademark of Azimuth Systems and ACE™ is a trademark of Azimuth Systems. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

# # #
For additional information contact:

Graham Celine
Azimuth Systems, Inc.

Jill Colna
SVM Public Relations

Posted  6/28/2010
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