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Antenna Factor Press Release - March 1, 2010

Connector City and Mouser Electronics, Inc., Announce
Worldwide Distribution Agreement

Mouser ElectronicsClick to visit Connector City

Merlin, OR, USA – March 1, 2010 – Connector City is pleased to announce the appointment of Mouser Electronics, Inc. as a worldwide stocking distributor for its full product line. Connector City specializes in high-quality, low-cost standard and custom RF connectors, and is also a great source for standard and custom cable assemblies.

Mouser Electronics focuses on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies to electronic design engineers. From its 432,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art headquarters in Mansfield, Texas, Mouser ships globally to customers in 170 countries. These resources will increase the visibility of and access to Connector City products worldwide.
Click to visit Connector City
Mike Edmiston, Director of Worldwide Sales, commented, "We at Connector City are delighted to add Mouser Electronics to our distribution roster. We are convinced that Mouser's positioning as a leading catalog and online distributor, coupled with their focus on customer centric worldwide service, will provide increased availability and enhanced service to our customers."

About Mouser
Mouser Electronics, Inc. is an electronic component distributor focused on the rapid introduction of new products and technologies to electronic design engineers. Mouser.com features more than a million products online from more than 390 manufacturers. Mouser’s 2,184+ page catalog is published every 90 days, providing designers with up-to-date data on the components now available for the next generation of electronic devices. Mouser ships globally to over 280,000 customers in 170 countries from its 432,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility in Mansfield, Texas. For more information, visit www.mouser.com.

About Connector City
Connector City is a rapidly growing division of Linx Technologies, Inc., a well established privately held corporation specializing in RF product solutions. Connector City focuses on cost-effective standard and custom connectors designed for a wide range of consumer and industrial wireless products. Connector City has helped companies of all sizes meet the mechanical, electrical and aesthetic requirements of their wireless products. Through its affiliation with Antenna Factor, Connector City also offers a wide range of standard and custom antennas. For more information visit: www.connectorcity.com or call (800) 490-4965.


Connector City
The Value of Connections
P.O. Box 390
159 Ort Lane
Merlin, OR 97532
541.471.6251 (fax)

Linx Technologies
Wireless Made Simple

Antenna Factor

Posted 3/16/2010
Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers
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