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RFHIC Press Release - April 2, 2010

RFHIC Introduces GaAs p-HEMT LNA for S-Band Applications

Alumina ceramic substrate based GaAs p-HEMT LNA

Click to visit the RFHIC website

April 2, 2010 - RFHIC, a manufacturer of gallium nitride and gallium arsenide active RF Microwave components and hybrid modules, announces the release of ceramic substrate based GaAs p-HEMT Hybrid LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) that can be well suited to S-band applications.

RFHIC CL2701-L / CL2702-L / CL3501-L / CL3502-L2.3-3.1GHz: CL2701-L & CL2702-L
3.1-3.6GHz: CL3501-L & CL3502-L

These Low Noise Amplifiers are built with GaAs p-HEMT die attached on a ceramic thick film substrate. Alumina, the most commonly used type of ceramic, is what RHIC has chosen due to its relatively high thermal conductivity. These Low Noise Amplifiers are focused on giving the lowest noise possible; exhibiting low noise performance of better than 1dB noise figure. The devices work at input levels as high as 20dBm thanks to the initial gate length of 1200µm design.

Functional Diagram       Application Circuit

                    Functional Diagram                                Application Circuit

Limiter diode inclusive version will work even at 30dBm input levels.

For more information, contact:

RFHIC Headquarters

Sam Kim

Headquarter                                                         U.S. Office
Tel) 82-31-250-5011 / Fax) 82-31-250-5088        Tel) 1-929-710-1645
E-Mail) rfsales@rfhic.com                                       E-Mail) samkim@rfhic.com

Active RF & MW Component Company

Posted 4/4/2010
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