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Advanced Test Equipment Press Release - June 9, 2010

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Announces New Product Availability:
Keithley 2015 Total Harmonic Distortion Multimeter

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Keithley 2015 Total Harmonic Distortion Multimeter from Advanced Test Equipment RentalsSan Diego, Calif. – June 9, 2010 – Advanced Test Equipment Rentals, a leading provider of electronic test and measurement equipment rentals, is pleased to announce immediate availability of the Keithley 2015 Total Harmonic Distortion Multimeter.
Combining audio band quality measurements and analysis with a full-function 6 1/2 –digit DMM, test engineers can make a broad range of voltage, resistance, current, frequency and distortion measurements, all with the compact, half-rack Keithley multimeter. 
For applications such as assessing non-linear distortion in components, devices, and systems, DSP-based processing allows the Model 2015 to provide frequency domain analysis in conventional time domain instruments. Abilities include measurement of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) over the complete 20Hz to 20kHz audio band, as well as measurement over a wide input range (up to 750Vrms) and has low residual distortion (-87dB).
In addition to THD, this harmonic distortion multimeter can compute THD+Noise and Signalto-Noise plus Distortion (SINAD). For analyses in which the individual harmonics are the criteria of greatest interest, the instruments can report any of the (up to 64) harmonic magnitudes that can be included in the distortion measurements. The user can program the actual number of harmonics to be included in a computation, so accuracy, speed, and complexity can be optimized for a specific application.
Applications include:
  • ·Wireless communication device audio quality testing
  • Component linearity testing
  • Lighting  and ballast THD limit conformance testing
  • Telephone and automotive speaker testing

About Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

Advanced Test Equipment is a rental solutions provider of test equipment for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Communications, Aerospace and related industries. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Advanced Test Equipment has over 28 years of experience and services clients worldwide. Additional information about Advanced Test Equipment is available at www.atecorp.com.


Advanced Test Equipment
(888) 485-ATEC (2832)

Date posted - 6/9/2010
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