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Wavelength Electronics Press Release - December 21, 2010

Wavelength Electronics Introduces Low Noise Quantum Cascade Laser Driver

- Improve Your Chemical Sensor Performance

Visit the Wavelength Electronics website

December 17, 2010

Wavelength Electronics QCL1000Minimize line width, spectral drift, and center wavelength jitter with low noise control electronics. The QCL Series of Low Noise Quantum Cascade Laser Drivers offers sub-microamp RMS noise. [0.7 μA RMS over 100 kHz bandwidth with the QCL1000 1 A driver.] Designed as an OEM controller, it can be used in field deployed systems or on a benchtop. Bandwidth is 2-3 MHz, with rise and fall times of 250 / 200 nsec.

The QCL Series drives up to 2 A of low noise current with core safety features – current limit, slow start, brownout / reverse voltage / overvoltage protection, remote or local current enable. Even though it is lower cost than an instrument, it is smaller and offers significantly better performance.

Application notes and free technical support help you minimize noise in particularly demanding  applications.

Wavelength Electronics has simplified advanced laser diode drive and thermal control technology for OEM and research applications since 1993. Our high performance specifications are supported by a team of experienced sales and design engineers and a top-notch manufacturing facility. Evaluation quantities are typically available from stock.

To learn more about the QCL Series Low Noise Quantum Cascade Laser Drivers and Wavelength's complete line of high precision, low-noise, ultra-stable laser diode drivers and temperature controllers visit us at Photonics West, Booth #2200 in the South Hall, or www.teamWavelength.com.
P O Box 865 · Bozeman, MT 59771 · P: 406.587.4910 · Fax: 406.587.4911


Lisa Mueller
Wavelength Electronics Inc.
P O Box 865
Bozeman, MT  59771

Posted  12/22/2010
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