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ACS Press Release - September 2011

LINC2 Version 2.72L Product Update Press Release

Click to visit ACS

Escondido, CA, September 9, 2011

 LINC2 Pro RF and microwave circuit design software suite.  Version 2.72 release L ACS has recently released a new version of its LINC2 Pro RF and microwave circuit design software suite.  Version 2.72 release L adds a new PIN diode model with forward and reverse (ON and OFF) characteristics modeled, providing for simultaneous plots of both ON and OFF simulation results on the same graph.  Equations can be formulated that provide simulation of the ON resistance versus bias current, allowing for tuning of the PIN diode ON resistance in real time (within the graph window) as a function of applied bias voltage and current.
The latest edition of LINC2 also offers enhanced schematic capture.  Circuits can be entered manually or created automatically by a number of circuit synthesis modules. The LINC2 Pro RF and microwave circuit design and analysis software suite combines circuit synthesis, simulation, optimization and statistical yield analysis into a single integrated design environment. 

For more information about LINC2, visit the ACS website at www.appliedmicrowave.com.

More information about the Visual System Architect and other LINC2 products from ACS can be found on the ACS web site at www.appliedmicrowave.com.


Applied Computational Sciences (ACS)
Escondido, CA
(760) 612-6988

Posted  9/10/2011
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