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Analog Devices Press Release - September 6, 2011

Fail-Safe iMEMS Gyroscope Provides Unmatched Shock and Vibration
Immunity for Automotive Applications

-- Analog Devices’ ADXRS800 patented* quad beam architecture provides 0.03°/sec/g of linear
   acceleration rejection while continuously monitoring the total electro-mechanical gyro performance.

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ADXRS800 iMEMS® gyroscopeNorwood, MA (09/06/2011) - For automotive electronic stability control, rollover detection, and pitch detection applications, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) today introduced the ADXRS800 iMEMS® gyroscope, featuring a patented differential quad-beam architecture designed to minimize the influence of linear shock and vibration. Qualified for automotive safety applications, the ADXRS800 is the most stable, vibration-immune automotive-grade gyro available while a continuous electro-mechanical self-test feature ensures the integrity of the gyro output signal.

“A stability control system needs accurate inertial signals at all times, especially when harsh vibrations and shocks are present,” said Thomas Wessel, vice president, Automotive, Analog Devices. “Safety critical auto applications like this benefit greatly from the ADXRS800’s vibration immunity. The continuous self-test feature is also key to realizing fail-safe system performance according to the highest industry standards. The innovations that this part delivers will make cars safer.”

Unlike alternative MEMS gyros, the ADXRS800’s unique architecture enables very accurate performance in exceedingly harsh automotive environments without the need for complex and costly system-level counter measures. Sensitivity to linear acceleration is specified at only 0.03 °/sec/g, vibration rectification is only 0.0002°/sec/g2, noise-rate density is 0.02°/sec/√Hz at +105°C and null offset variation is 3°/s maximum over temperature and product life. Further simplifying the system design, the gyro delivers better offset stability compared to alternatives without the need for calibration. What’s more, power consumption is only 6 milliamps under typical conditions. The new gyro is available in a cavity plastic SOIC-16 (Z-axis) and a SMT-compatible vertical mount package (X-axis) and is capable of operating across an extended temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C.

More about the ADXRS800 iMEMS Gyroscope
The ADXRS800’s continuous self-test architecture simplifies algorithms for failure detection and allows system designers to quickly integrate fault detection into their designs. The integrity of the electromechanical system is checked by applying a high frequency electrostatic force to the sense structure allowing differentiation from real-rate stimulus in the base band that can be filtered so it does not interfere with sensor output. The ADXRS800 is capable of sensing angular rates up to ±300°/sec while providing high resolution of 80 LSB/°/s on the low end due to its wide dynamic range and low noise of 0.16°/s rms with a 80 Hz filter. Angular rate data is presented as a 16-bit word, as part of a 32-bit serial peripheral interface (SPI) message. Other features include internal temperature compensation over an extended industrial temperature range and an optional ceramic vertical-mount package that uniquely enables three-axis sensing on a single PCB without daughter boards. To order samples or download the data sheet, visit www.analog.com/ADXRS800.

ADXRS800 iMEMS Gyroscope Key Features
  • The unique differential quad sensor technology provides high vibration and shock immunity over a wide frequency range and allows for reliable and stable readings in harsh environments.
  • Offers a measurement range of ±300°/s at high resolution of 80 LSB/°/s
  • Power consumption is only 6 milliamps under typical conditions
  • Excellent null offset stability of 3°/s maximum over temperature and product life
  • Low noise with a noise-rate density specification of 0.02°/sec/√Hz at +105°C
  • Qualified for automotive applications

ADXRS800 iMEMS Gyroscope Key Features

Other automotive qualified MEMS inertial sensors from Analog Devices include the low g and high g iMEMS accelerometers.

About Analog Devices
Innovation, performance, and excellence are the cultural pillars on which Analog Devices has built one of the longest standing, highest growth companies within the technology sector. Acknowledged industry-wide as the world leader in data conversion and signal conditioning technology, Analog Devices serves over 60,000 customers, representing virtually all types of electronic equipment. Analog Devices is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts, with design and manufacturing facilities throughout the world. Analog Devices' common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker “ADI” and is included in the S&P 500 Index.

iMEMS is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
*Patents: 7,421,897, 7,347,094, 6,684,698, 5,869,760

Follow ADI on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ADI_News

To subscribe to Analog Dialogue, ADI’s monthly technical journal, visit: http://www.analog.com/library/analogDialogue/

Analog Devices, Inc.
Colleen Cronin, 781-937-1622

Date Posted  9/7/2011

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