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Averna Press Release - June 6, 2011

Averna Launches High Performance and Compact Multi-Channel
RF Recorder for Automotive and Navigation Applications

The Averna RP-5100 multi-channel, 20 MHz compact RF Recorder designed for advanced testing of RF receivers.


Montreal, Canada, June 6, 2011 – Averna, an industry-leading developer of test solutions and services for communications and electronics device makers worldwide, announces the availability of a field-ready multi-channel RF Recorder for applications covering 250 kHz to 2.5 GHz.

The Averna RP-5100 RF Recorder is an advanced tool for both field testing and performance testing. Its compact size and integrated touchscreen display make it ideal for easy field operation and its innovative engineering is designed to drive the most sophisticated applications.
With a broad range of frequencies supported from 250 kHz to 2.5 GHz and 20 MHz of recording bandwidth on each channel, the Averna RP-5100 Series supports the entire spectrum of Navigation as well as Broadcast Radio & Video protocols.
Averna Launches High Performance and Compact Multi-Channel RF Recorder for Automotive and Navigation Applications“Averna’s RF recording system is based on the most advanced technology. For example, our best in class noise floor of -172 dBm/Hz enables developers to optimize their receivers for weak signal performance, gaining a significant competitive advantage,“ explained Benoit Fleury, General Manager for Averna’s Instrumentation Division. “We are thrilled to bring to market the first multi-channel RF recorder designed for the optimal capture of real-life RF environment.“
Key Features:
·   20 MHz recording bandwidth to capture most signals found in automotive receivers
·   Two channels to capture signals operating at different frequencies
·   Field-ready with an integrated touchscreen display, ruggedized chassis and compact size
·   Record all day with 2TB of hot-swappable storage
·   Simple field setup and intuitive user interface and test-case profiles
·   Options available for synchronized recording of CANbus, video, audio, and GPS positioning data

Pricing and Availability
The Averna RP-5100 Series is available now to customers worldwide. Pricing and product information are available on request; please contact us at rp@averna.com or visit the product page www.averna.com/RP-5100.
About Averna
Averna delivers industry-leading test solutions and services for communications and electronics device makers worldwide, accelerating product development and driving innovation. Averna’s automated test equipment (ATE), award-winning Proligent enterprise test platform and state-of-the-art RF test instruments overcome global test and manufacturing challenges while ensuring major benefits – from design through production. www.averna.com

 © Copyright 2011 verna. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice. Averna, Proligent and URT are registered trademarks of Averna.

Isabelle Pilon
87 Prince St., Suite 140
Montreal, QC H3C2M7, Canada
1-514-842-7577 x 421

Posted  6/6/2011
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