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Azimuth Systems Press Release - August 9, 2011

Airspan Networks Chooses Azimuth Systems’ ACE MX MIMO
Channel Emulator for Testing 4G Broadband Wireless Solutions

Azimuth Systems

ACTON, MA- August 9th, 2011 - Azimuth Systems, Inc., a leading provider of comprehensive real world wireless test solutions for 2G/3G/4G, LTE-Advanced and beyond, today announced that Airspan Networks Inc., a leader in 4G technology for WiMAX and LTE networks and infrastructure, has selected Azimuth’s ACE™ MX channel emulator for testing of its popular infrastructure products.

Airspan’s System Integration team will use the ACE MX channel emulator for TX and RX testing of its Air4G family of 4G broadband wireless infrastructure products, including its leading LTE eNodeB base station, particularly for MIMO performance and interoperability of LTE base stations with user devices including USB modems and mobile handsets.

"At Airspan, we develop our comprehensive portfolios of products and solutions for the wireless industry with the future in mind. This is why Azimuth Systems is an ideal partner to meet our channel emulation needs," said Gilad Dekel, Airspan’s System Integration Group Manager. "Azimuth Systems is paving the way for the future of wireless testing. As we expand and evolve our 4G test capabilities, the ACE MX, with its ease-of-use, automation, and bi-directional MIMO support, will play a role in Airspan continuing to deliver best in class products such as Air4G."

The ACE MX wireless channel emulator replicates real-world channel conditions in a controllable and repeatable fashion through the use of sophisticated channel models and multiple programma ble parameters, enabling mobile infrastructure, chip set and device vendors, operators and test labs to test devices in real-world conditions while minimizing the time and expense of testing in the field. A purpose-built, enhanced testing solution, the ACE MX wireless channel emulator is architected to meet the demanding needs of Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based systems for testing LTE and other advanced wireless infrastructure equipment and devices, and also includes all of the backwards-compatible channel emulation features to test 2G/3G cellular products.

"Airspan is a company at the forefront in developing new wireless standards and we look forward to having an ongoing relationship," said Jim Iuliano, president and CEO at Azimuth Systems. "Azimuth’s real world test solutions, which include Azimuth’s ACE MX MIMO channel emulator as well as Field-to-Lab and over-the-air (OTA) test solutions, are crucial to the success of validation, performance and interoperability testing. Our goal is to provide our customers a reliable means to test 4G infrastructure and devices in a repeatable and cost-effective way, ultimately enabling improved product quality and reducing time-to-market."

Azimuth’s Director II management software, along with the ACE MX MIMO channel emulator’s inherent bi-directional capability, makes testing network performance and real-world interoperability between a base station and user device efficient and easy to achieve. Whether integrated into a customer’s existing test bed or used with Azimuth’s TestBuilder automation software, Azimuth’s automation capabilities reduce the chances of human error and facilitate increased and improved wireless testing in less time.

About Azimuth Systems
Azimuth Systems is the leading provider of comprehensive real world wireless test solu tions for 2G/3G/4G, LTE-Advanced and beyond, with field-proven, solutions-focused automated wireless test equipment that makes testing more affordable and reliable by increasing the scope of testing while enabling real world performance testing across the entire product design cycle, resulting in high quality devices that perform as expected in the field.

The company is based near Boston, Massachusetts, USA and may be contacted at +1 (978) 263-6610 or at www.azimuthsystems.com. Follow Azimuth Systems on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/azimuthsystems.

Azimuth® is a registered trademark of Azimuth Systems and ACE™ and Azimuth Field-to-Lab™ are trademarks of Azimuth Systems.

About Airspan Networks Inc.
Airspan (OTC Markets: AI RO) is a leading 4G wireless solution provider. With over 500 customers in over 100 countries and as a top vendor for carrier-class broadband wireless solutions, Airspan is recognized as a leader and pioneer in 4G and broadband wireless technologies. Providing an expansive product portfolio, Airspan offers customers the widest selection of 4G products in the industry with an unsurpassed level of technology to benefit their business case. Airspan has solutions spanning the 700 MHz to 6 GHz frequency bands. www.airspan.com
For additional information contact:

Erik Org
Senior Marketing Manager
Azimuth Systems, Inc.
+1 978.268.9253
erik_org@azimuthsystems.com   Dori Erann
VP of Marketing
Airspan Networks, Inc.
+1 561.893.8687

Posted  8/9/2011
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