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Cross RF Press Release - May 17, 2011

RF/Microwave Interconnect Solutions by Cross RF

Cross RF

CROSS RF is a leading manufacturer and supplier of RF/Microwave Interconnect Solutions. Headquartered in Los Angeles County California, our components have been successfully proven in a diverse range of applications including Telecommunications, Automotive, Defense, and Test and Measurement industries.

Better solutions at Lower cost. From simple off-the-shelf products to custom designs, Cross RF has strength in Cross-reference or Drop-in Replacement components that will perform 100% compatible with your current or existing source.

Fast turnaround. Our engineering and manufacturing strengths allow us to serve your business highly competitive at the speed you need - the average lead-time of custom cable assemblies is one week.
Reliable. In addition to meeting or exceeding Mil-Specs and the industry standards, our products are manufactured at ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified facilities.

Our goal is to help you design a better interconnect solutions. By switching your RF/Microwave supplier to Cross RF, you can expect significant savings in time and cost.

Make all your projects count with high quality Cross RF components.
Please visit www.crossrf.com for more information.

Posted 5/17/2011
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