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Doodle Labs Press Release - November 1, 2011

Doodle Labs Announces Industry First OFDM Broadband Radio Transceivers
for the Amateur Radio Bands

Visit Doodle Labs

Singapore. November 1, 2011

Doodle Labs announced today that it has successfully developed a family of compact, embedded OFDM Broadband radio transceivers specially optimized for the Amateur Radio bands to dramatically improve the data throughput and enable new IP based applications. These Broadband transceivers are the industry first for the various Amateur Radio bands within the frequency range of 435 MHz (70 cm) to 5800 MHz (5 cm).

Please visit http://doodlelabs.com/products-and-services.html#Amateur for further information. Samples for the radio transceivers are currently available.

Embedded OFDM Broadband Transceivers with miniPCI interfaceEmbedded OFDM Broadband Transceivers with miniPCI interface are used to develop new IP communication equipment for long range Point to Point and Point to Multipoint networks. These new compact transceivers are developed to improve triple play capabilities in the next-generation high-speed wireless communication networks.

Leveraging Doodle Labs’ proprietary Prism technology developed through years of RF design expertise, these transceivers are able to deliver industry’s highest performance in long-range outdoor applications. These transceivers feature advanced filtering techniques that lead to the very high interference immunity. In addition, the transceivers deliver up to 2 W (33 dBm) transmit power, which allows for higher throughput at greater distance. High receive sensitivity enables improved range in obstacle-rich environments and offers near line of sight capabilities. The industrial grade design (-40 deg C ~ +85 deg C) & resilience to RF surges & ESD makes the transceivers ideal for deploying in harsh environments. This is an industry-first in the development of compact, revolutionary OFDM Broadband transceivers optimized for the Amateur Radio band applications.

About Doodle Labs –
Doodle Labs is a wireless technology development company focusing on the development and manufacturing of ruggedized, high performance, embedded OFDM Broadband radio transceivers and systems for Industrial and Military applications. Doodle Labs’ products help OEMs to leverage the cost effective wireless IP capabilities to enable high value cutting edge applications. Doodle Labs is a privately held company with headquarters in Singapore. http://www.doodlelabs.com/ 

Doodle Labs (HQ)
150 Kampong Ampat
KA Center Suite 05-03
Singapore 368324
Tel: +65 6253 0100
Fax: +65 6353 5564
Doodle Labs USA
1012 Scott St
San Francisco, CA 94115
Tel: +1 (415) 320-1274
Fax: +1 (484) 905-0001

Posted  11/1/2011
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