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M/A-COM Technology Solutions Press Release - October 10, 2011

M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. Showcases New Products for Networks,
Aerospace and Defense, and Multi-Market Applications at EuroMW2011

M/A-COM Technology Solutions

Lowell, Massachusetts, October 10, 2011
What: M/A-COM Technology Solutions (M/A-COM Tech), a leading supplier of high performance analog semiconductor solutions for RF, microwave and millimeter wave applications, is showcasing a broad portfolio of new products for Networks, Aerospace and Defense, and Multi-Market applications. Product solutions on display in M/A-COM Tech’s Booth #422 include: 
  • A complete chipset solution for 42GHz point-to-point radio applications – A systems-driven approach to integrating innovative IC and package design capabilities resulting in faster time to market with optimal performance.
  • Best-in-Class Optical Modulator Drivers and TIAs for 40/100G Fiber Networks.
  • RF amplifiers for Node, Fiber-to-the Home, and RF-Over-Glass infrastructure applications.
  • New Phase Shifter family with integrated CMOS driver – Features low DC power consumption, minimal attenuation variation over phase shift usage, 30 ohm impedance, in a 4 mm PQFN package.
  • GaN on silicon carbide transistors and highly integrated pallet amplifiers – powered by a leading edge proprietary 0.5 micron HEMP design, delivering excellent RF performance.
  • The next generation Multi-function Phased Array Radar (MPAR) for the Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic and weather surveillance systems – recently named as one of R&D Magazines’ 2011 R&D 100 Winners
  • New family of power detectors that are low cost, yet provide accurate directive power and include full temperature compensation.
  • Newest line of 1 to 18 GHz Low noise amplifiers (LNAs) that are 66% smaller than traditional LNAs, and feature better NF and bandwidth. Ideal for meter reader or medical transponders.
When: October 11 to 13, 2011; Exhibition Hours:
            Tuesday, October 11              0930 – 1800 hours
            Wednesday, October 12        0930 – 1800 hours
           Thursday, October 13              0930 – 1630 hours
Where: Booth #422, Manchester Central, Manchester, U.K.
To find out more information about EuroMW2011 please visit: http://www.eumweek.com/

About M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
M/A-COM Technology Solutions ( www.macomtech.com) is a leading supplier of high performance analog semiconductor solutions for use in radio frequency (RF), microwave, and millimeter wave applications. Recognized for its broad portfolio of products, M/A-COM Tech serves diverse markets including CATV, wireless infrastructure, optical communications, aerospace and defense, automotive, industrial, medical, and mobile devices. M/A-COM Tech builds more than 60 years of experience designing and manufacturing innovative product solutions for customers worldwide.

Headquartered in Lowell, Massachusetts, M/A-COM Tech is certified to the ISO9001 international quality standard and ISO14001 environmental management standard. M/A-COM Tech has design centers and sales offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

For Sales Information, Please Contact:
North Americas -- Phone: 800.366.2266
Europe -- Phone: +353.21.244.6400
India -- Phone: +91.80.43537383
China – Phone: +86.21.2407.1588

Posted  10/10/2011
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
Temwell Filters

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