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MegaPhase, In Humble Observation of Veterans Day

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A Very Special Thank You To Our Veterans and Their Families

We, here at MegaPhase, are extremely grateful for the service and sacrifices of all US Veterans and their families. We are honored to celebrate their dedicated efforts and loyal service to their country, and we are humbled by their efforts to keep us all safe from harm and free from tyranny. As we observe this national holiday, we reflect on the innumerable sacrifices that these brave individuals and their loved ones have endured for all of our benefit; as a company and a nation, we give our sincerest thanks and deepest regard.

MegaPhase, In Humble Observation of Veterans DayIt is our privilege at MegaPhase to commemorate some of our company heroes, and their families, who have served this nation. This includes Joe Carbonaro, our inside sales manager and a former Marine who served in Vietnam, earning a Bronze Star Medal (Combat V) and two Purple Hearts. Also, we would like to thank Bob Hosler, our product development engineer, who proudly served in the US Navy, Marta Devia, whose daughter Karla is serving in the US Air Force, and Linda Hardenstine, whose son, Scott, and daughter-in-law, Tiffany, are both serving in the US Army. We are also privileged to thank Faye Shoemaker, whose son Nicholas is serving in the US Marine Corps and Denise Walsh, whose son Joseph served in the US Air Force. 

As President Woodrow Wilson expressed on November 11, 1919, in commemoration of the first celebration of Armistice Day, these reflections on Veterans Day are "filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory." Again we would like to thank all of the Service men and women and their families here at MegaPhase, and across the nation.

Very Sincerely,

William Pote III/CEO/Founder

Kevin Strack/Managing Director Business Development

Rachel Marano/International Sales and Marketing Manager

Melissa Cortez/Advertising and Marketing Coordinator

About MegaPhase, LLC

MegaPhase is an ISO-9001:2008 certified privately-held company that designs, manufactures and sells RF/Microwave coaxial cable, cable assemblies, connectors and RF components through 70 GHz. Located in Stroudsburg, PA, MegaPhase customers include OEMs in instrumentation, broadband networking, wireless communications, semiconductor, advanced microwave and optical electronic systems, space and defense. MegaPhase products include GrooveTube® test cables , semi-rigid and flexible coaxial cables for advanced systems, test adapters and coaxial connectors . MegaPhase's broadband and high frequency interconnect technologies include coaxial cables have been used reliably to test smart phones, transmit signals on the US Navy's new AWACS E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, Agilent's new FireFox® handheld analyzers, and many other high-profile projects. For more information contact MegaPhase at 570-424-8400, by e-mail at fastquote@megaphase.com or visit www.megaphase.com.

How Fast Do You Need Them?
Let us know by contacting Joe Carbonaro
by emailing FastQuote@MegaPhase.com,
or calling 877-MegaPhase (877-634-2742)
or 570-424-8400 extension 188. 

Posted 11/11/2011
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