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Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products

RFMW Press Release - March 28, 2011

RFMW - TriQuint Introduces K-band Amplifier

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Operating from 21.2 to 23.6 GHz, TriQuint’s new TGA4533-SM offers a packaged, 1W P1dB, K-Band power amplifier with 22dB small signal gain. The high OIP3 of 41dBm from this pHEMT device supports applications in PtP radio and microwave test equipment. Drawing only 800mA from a 6V supply, this device delivers the same linear power as competing devices with 35% less power dissipation. The TGA4533-SM is housed in a RoHS compliant, 4x4mm, 20L QFN.


Triquint TGA4533-SM

For more information please contact:
TriQuint Stocking Distributor
RFMW, Ltd.
90 Great Oaks Blvd. #107
San Jose, Ca. 95119
PH: 408.414.1450

About RFMW, Ltd.:
RFMW Ltd. is a specialty electronics Distribution Company focused exclusively on serving
customers that require RF and microwave components and semiconductors, as well as
component engineering support. The company continues to expand its list of products from
selective suppliers with RF/microwave expertise. RFMW deploys a highly experienced, skilled
and technically competent team to assist customers with component selection and fulfillment.
To learn more about RFMW, visit their Website at www.rfmw.com, or call us at 877-FOR-RFMW
(367-7369), or via e-mail at info@rfmw.com.

Posted  3/28/2011
Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products
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