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Werbel Microwave Intros 2.2-2.3 GHz 180-Degree Hybrid Coupler

Werbel Microwave

Werbel Microwave

August 18, 2014


Werbel Microwave Intros 2.2-2.3 GHz 180-Degree Hybrid Coupler - RF CafeWerbel Microwave is developing a standard line of narrowband 180-degree hybrids. A signal applied to the sum port produces two outputs of equal amplitude and phase, while a signal applied to the delta port produces output signals of equal amplitude but opposite phase. The model 2Q11 was designed to fulfill a custom requirement from 2.2-2.3 GHz, but may cover 2.1-2.4 GHz also with good results. Measured return loss was 1.2:1 or better, 25 dB isolation and 0.3 dB insertion loss. Phase balance was within ±5 degrees from 2.2-2.3 GHz, and ±10 degrees from 2.1-2.4 GHz. Werbel Microwave continues to expand upon this product line, and plans to offer broadband versions of this configuration in the near future.



About Werbel Microwave

Werbel Microwave, LLC is an independent designer and manufacturer of R.F. and microwave-electronic devices. In the past year we have grown from a consulting company to include manufacturing capabilities including light PCB fabrication for short runs and prototypes. We specialize in delivering custom solutions and typical design-to-delivery is 4 to 6 weeks. All of our products are made in-house with component parts from as many U.S.A-based sources as possible.



Werbel Microwave LLC
51 Chestnut Street
Livingston, New Jersey  07039
Tel. (973) 900-2480





Posted  August 19, 2014

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