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Pasternack Introduces New Portfolio of Millimeter Wave
Directional Waveguide Couplers

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WR-42 through WR-10 Waveguide Couplers Operating Up to 110 GHz Now Available from Pasternack

July 9, 2015

Irvine, CA - Pasternack, a leading manufacturer and supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, unveils a brand new family of instrumentation grade directional waveguide couplers boasting accurate performance up to 110 GHz. These ultra-high frequency waveguide couplers are commonly used for signal sampling and other general purpose applications in wireless transmit/receive systems, test benches, satellite communications, radar systems, point-to-point backhaul and telecom. In this latest release of waveguide directional couplers from Pasternack are 28 unique models spanning a frequency range of 18 GHz to 110 GHz in seven popular frequency bands including K, Ka, Q, U, V, E and W bands. The couplers are offered in two physical configurations, standard waveguide and split block waveguide and are also available in both E Bend and H Bend designs depending on the user's system requirements. Both the traditional waveguide and split block waveguide versions utilize a multi-hole design which is optimal for power reflection measurements and provides excellent consistency in performance.

Pasternack Introduces New Portfolio of Millimeter Wave Directional Waveguide Couplers - RF Cafe

Pasternack's new couplers are offered in various waveguide sizes from WR-42 (K band) to WR-10 (W band) and come in either 10 dB or 20 dB coupling values. These waveguide couplers boast high directivity of 30 dB typical and insertion loss is as low as 0.6 dB in some models. This family of waveguide couplers is constructed using high quality brass copper that is gold plated for added precision and accuracy.

"Pasternack is rapidly expanding its waveguide portfolio to meet the demands of the industry which is moving towards components at higher and higher frequencies," says Mark Blackwood, Passive Components Product Manager at Pasternack. "While we continue to expand our entire product portfolio, one of our key strategies is to offer our customers the most comprehensive selection of in-stock waveguide components in the industry." All of the new waveguide couplers from Pasternack are in-stock and ready to ship now.

About Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.

A leader in RF products since 1972, Pasternack is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer and supplier that offers the industry's largest selection of passive and active RF, microwave and millimeter wave products available for same-day shipping.

Press Contact:

Shaun Gameroz
Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.
17802 Fitch
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 261-1920

asternack Description: 40th-Anniversary-small



Posted  July 9, 2015

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