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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

RFMW Intros P1dB Wi-Fi Optimized 2 to 6 GHz Power Dividers

RFMW Intros P1dB Wi-Fi Optimized 2 to 6 GHz Power Dividers - RF Cafe

P1dB, an RF and Microwave component supplier, introduces 2-Way (P1PD-SAF-0206G30W-2) and 4-Way (P1PD-SAF-0206G30W-4) SMA power dividers operating from 2 to 6 GHz. The new RF power dividers operate across the full frequency band and are optimized for the 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands with increased isolation and improved insertion loss. The SMA dividers meet the demands of production test systems for routers, cell phones, tablets and other Wi-Fi enabled products. The power dividers are in-stock and can ship immediately.

P1dB 2-Way and 4-Way SMA power divider specifications - RF Cafe

Power Divider Specifications

About P1dB

P1dB, Inc., established in 2005, provides a wide range of RF/Microwave components through its e-commerce website, www.p1db.com, for wired and wireless telecommunication systems, wireless infrastructure systems, test equipment subsystems, repeaters, and cable networks. P1dB specializes in supplying immediate availability on standard products as well as difficult to find amplifiers, diodes, transistors, coaxial connectors, cable assemblies, attenuators, terminations, couplers and power dividers.

About RFMW, Ltd.

RFMW Ltd. is a specialty electronics Distribution Company focused exclusively on serving customers that require RF and microwave components and semiconductors, as well as component engineering support. The company continues to expand its list of products from selective suppliers with RF/microwave expertise. RFMW deploys a highly experienced, skilled and technically competent team to assist customers with component selection and fulfillment. To learn more about RFMW, visit their Website at www.rfmw.com, or call us at 877.FOR.RFMW (367-7369), or via e-mail at info@rfmw.com.

Contact Information

RFMW, Ltd.
P1dB Stocking Distributor
188 Martinvale Lane
San Jose, Ca. 95119
Phone:  877-FOR-RFMW (877-367-7369)



Posted September 24, 2015

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe