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X-COM Systems Products Now Available Online at Government Services Agency GSA Advantage!®

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Allows government agencies to purchase X-COM Systems products online quickly and easily with discounted pricing.

RESTON, VA, June 2, 2016 -- X-COM Systems, LLC, a subsidiary of Bird Technologies, today announced that it has been awarded a Government Services Agency (GSA) contract that allows federal agencies to purchase X-COM Systems products online via GSA Advantage! in the shortest time, at the lowest cost, and with the least difficulty.

X-COM Systems Products Now Available Online at Government Services Agency GSA Advantage - RF CafeGSA Advantage! is the agency's online shopping and ordering service designed to provide a streamlined and efficient purchasing portal for federal agencies to acquire goods and services from private industry. By purchasing X-COM Systems products on GSA Advantage! customers receive discounted pricing, simplified ordering procedures, and eliminate the need for cost and price analysis, as "fair and reasonable" pricing has already been established through X-COM's acceptance on the GSA Schedule.

Prospective customers can view X-COM products and pricing on GSA Advantage by visiting www.gsaadvantage.gov.

About X-COM and Bird Technologies

X-COM Systems, headquartered near Washington, DC, in Reston, VA, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bird Technologies. The company designs and manufactures advanced wideband RF and microwave signal recording and playback systems, software tools for visualization, analysis, and editing, and RF and microwave signal generation tools for defense and commercial applications.

Bird Technologies headquartered in Solon, OH, manufactures RF and microwave components, subsystems, systems, and test and measurement solutions for commercial wireless, defense and government, land mobile radio, medical, and semiconductor markets. In addition to X-COM Systems, Bird's subsidiary DeltaNode manufactures distributed antenna systems (DAS) and repeaters and provides turnkey fiber-based solutions for expanding communications coverage and capacity in venues of every size. www.bird-technologies.com.

GSA Advantage! is a registered trademark of the U.S. Government Services Agency.


Jim Taber
Director of Sales and Marketing
X-COM Systems
12345-B Sunrise Valley Dr.
Reston, Virginia  20191
Phone: (571) 612-5490
E-Mail: sales@xcomsystems.com
Web: http://www.​x​comsystem.com



Posted June 3, 2016

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