Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses

Here is the "Electricity - Basic Navy Training Courses" (NAVPERS 10622) in its entirety. It should provide one of the Internet's best resources for people seeking a basic electricity course - complete with examples worked out. See copyright. See Table of Contents.   • U.S. Government Printing Office; 1945 - 618779



Chapter 18 QUIZ


1. What four quantities are measured in an electrical circuit?
2. What are the three current effects used in meters?
3. Name the meters which can be used on a.c. or d.c.
4. Which meter can be used on d.c. only?
5. Properly connect the meters and loads shown above in their circuits.

Chapter 18 ANSWERS


1. current, voltage, resistance, and power.

2. Heat, magnetism, and motor action.
3. Hot wire, dynamometer and movable iron.

4. D'Arsonval type.
5. See diagram below.



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