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Cleveland Institute N-515-T Slide Rule and User's Manuals

Thanks to Mr. Joe Hernandez (KN2A), the entire set of four manuals for the Cleveland Institute of Electronics' 515-T Slide Rule are now available online! Joe bought the manuals and slide rule on eBay as a set, and he was kind enough to scan the manuals and send them to me for posting on RF Cafe. Since posting a photo of my personal N-515-T slide rules and the partial user's manual I found a few years ago, I have received many requests for the manuals.

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett (front)

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett (case)

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule, made by Pickett (rear)

Cleveland Institute of Electronics N-515-T Slide Rule (made by Pickett)

Note: Joe is a very active Ham radio operator and invites you to visit his page on the qrz.com/db/KN2A website. He is a big time CW guy who likes to tinker. One item you really need to check out is his custom-built Mouser-40 and 3 Blind Mice CW setup.

Joe Hernandez's (KN2A) Mouser-40 and 3 Blind Mice CW setup - RF Cafe

Joe Hernandez's (KN2A) Mouser-40 and 3 Blind Mice CW setup.

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule User Manual, Part I - RF Cafe

Part I


Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule User Manual, Part II - RF Cafe

Part II


Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule User Manual, Part III - RF Cafe

Part III


Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule User Manual, Part IV - RF Cafe

Part IV


Of Beer Bottles and Slide Rules

Pickett N515-T and Beer Bottles by M0XPD - RF CafeRF Cafe visitor M0XPD sent me a link to his brief article that aptly illustrates how a Pickett N-515-T slide rule and a beer bottle can be used to help a student understand resonance in LC tank circuits. It has to do with the oft-used mechanical phenomenon dual of an electrical apparatus - like a wire is a water hose, voltage is the pressure, etc.

M0XPD Mug Shot - RF Cafem0xpd Manchester, United Kingdom Engineer, who grew up in the age when hobbyists used a soldering iron (rather than a mouse) to mess with computers. Came late in life to amateur radio, where he operates the station m0xpd, conducts pointless experiments, and plays with words and ideas.



Posted November 3, 2015

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