Parallel RLC Combinations

Here are the most common parallel configurations of resistors (R), inductors (L), and capacitors (C). These are the basic forms, and all other parallel combinations can be reduced to one of the following forms. For instance, if you have three capacitors in parallel with two inductors in parallel with two resistors, you can reduce the parallel resistors to a single equivalent resistor, and the same with capacitors and inductors. You will end up with the Parallel RLC form at the lower left.

Parallel Water Filters Increase Flow Like Parallel Resistors - RF CafeSee my real-world example of how parallel resistances in water flow behave like parallel resistances in electrical circuits.


Parallel Resistors
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor


Parallel Inductors Parallel Capacitors
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
Parallel RL Parallel RC
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
Parallel RLC Parallel LC
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination schematic drawing resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor
RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor RF Cafe: Parallel RLC combination equation formula resistor inductor capacitor

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