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DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe

The Smith Chart™

Dr. Cynthis Furse (U. of Utah photo credit - note Smith Chart earrings!) - RF CafeDr. Cynthia Furse (note Smith Chart earrings in her photo), a Professor of Electromagnetics at the University of Utah's Department of Electrical Engineering, has produced a very nice video series that covers a wide range of topics and techniques on the venerable Smith Chart. The ten videos begin with an introduction, progress through reflection coefficients, shorts and opens, impedance matching, a slot line example, and finally a summary.

Dr. Furse rose to worldwide fame about a decade ago a least partially based on the colorful handmade quit she created with a Smith Chart pattern; it is an exquisite example of juxtapositioning the traditional with the contemporary. Of course holding at least 13 patents and conducting research in bio-electromagnetics, antennas, wireless communication, electrical fault location, electrical properties of sea ice, and engineering education outreach helped as well.

Smith Chart quilt by professor Cynthia Furse - RF CafeSmith Chart quilt (bottom of page), by Professor Cynthia Furse of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Utah (formerly at Utah State University). She has her students sign when they have finished their design projects.

Dr. Furse has many RF and microwave instructional videos on YouTube. She is also an avid outdoorswoman and craftswoman who loves horses... like my daughter, Sally.


ECE3300 Lecture 12b-1

Introduction to Smith Charts

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-2

Smith Chart Reflection Coefficient

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-3

Smith Chart Transmission Coefficient

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-4

Smith Chart Load Impedance

and Reflection Coefficient

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-5

Smith Chart Admittance and Open, Short Circuits

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-6

Smith Chart Input Impedance Zin

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-7

Smith Chart Load Impedance

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-8

Smith Chart VSWR, lmin, lmax

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-9

Smith Chart Slotted Line Example

ECE3300 Lecture 12b-10

Smith Chart Summary





Posted  April 27, 2014

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
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