Kynar Pennsalt Vinylidene Fluoride Resin Advertisement
April 6, 1964 Electronics Magazine

April 6, 1964 Electronics

April 6, 1964 Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics, published 1930 - 1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Did you know that at least originally the term "Wire-Wrap" was - and maybe still a - registered trademark of Gardner-Denver Company? Kynar insulation, whose full name is Kynar polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) resin, is most likely a familiar type of insulation due to its widespread use on wire-wrap wire. It had very recently been introduced to the electronics world when this advertisement appeared in a 1964 issue of Electronics magazine. The contemporary name used by its manufacturer, Arkema, is Kynar500®, and the coating's use has expanded well beyond the electronics industry into architectural and mechanical coatings. I did a LOT of manual wire-wrapping on Mil-Spec equipment while working as a technician at Westinghouse Oceanic Division (now Northrop Grumman) in the early and mid 1980s. The massive wire-wrapped board shown in the ad was done by an automated machine. There were times that the guys in my work area (code-named "HK") had to do rework based on an engineering circuit change. Most often it was a nightmare because the manner in which the machines wrapped wires on posts (sometimes three-high) required unwrapping and then re-wrapping dozens of wires because the ones we really needed to access were below a wrap that was at the top of the post. Workmanship standards prohibited (for good reason) unwrapping and then re-wrapping the same wire because the sharp edges of the square posts (which created the gas-tight connections) weakened the wire during straightening. Other than the dread caused by needing to rework them, those machine-wrapped boards looked awesome.

Kynar Pennsalt Vinylidene Fluoride Resin Ad

Machine-wired backplanes for "Burroughs" Computers now use hook-up wire insulated with "Kynar,"* Pennsalt vinylidene fluoride resin. Why "Kynar"? No cold flow or cut-through when wire is pulled tight around sharp corners. "Kynar" is tough ... withstands tension of machine application to backplane. Has U.L. approval for "Burroughs" B-5000 computer operation.

Each "Burroughs" backplane is checked visually, tested electronically. Machine wrapping with Gardner-Denver "Wire-Wrap"† drastically reduces incidence of error; concentrates 100,000 circuits in same space that formerly allowed only 10,000 circuits.

For more data on "Kynar" ... sources of hook-up wire insulated with "Kynar," write Plastics Department, Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation, Three Penn Center, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102.

"Burroughs" is a Registered trademark of Burroughs Corporation.

Kynar ... a fluoroplastic that's tough!

* "Kynar" is a Registered trademark of Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation.

Pennsalt Chemicals

Established 1850

† "Wire-Wrap" is a Registered trademark of Gardner-Denver Company.



Posted April 5, 2024
(updated from original post on 2/21/2017)