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Raytheon Numerical Indicator Tubes and Data Display Devices
November 15, 1965 Electronics Magazine

November 15, 1965 Electronics

November 15, 1965 Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics, published 1930 - 1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Before there were side-view neon numerical indicator vacuum tubes there were top-view neon numerical indicator vacuum tubes. Nixie tubes and pixie tubes were featured in "Readouts and Counter Tubes" in the October 1959 issue of Electronics World magazine. At the time, most were top-view designs whose size was restricted by the diameter of the tube (typically about 0.8"). Switching to a side-view format did not enable the overall width to increase much, but the aspect ratio permitted taller displays with characters that appear as normally seen (rather than being squashed in height). This advertisement in a 1965 issue of Electronics magazine for numerical indicator tubes from Raytheon were likely some of the first side-view models available from any manufacturer.

Raytheon Numerical Indicator Tubes and Data Display Devices

Raytheon Numerical Indicator Tubes and Data Display Devices Advertisement, November 15, 1965 Electronics Magazine - RF Cafe

you won't look down

at the New Raytheon Side-View

Numerical Indicator Tubes

Because of their unusual design, the new Raytheon digital, in-line miniature indicator tubes offer several important advantages over conventional top-viewing indicators. For one thing, their unit cost is lower. They require less mounting depth, allow close horizontal spacing and display large characters for the available viewing area.

These new Raytheon Side-View Numerical Indicator Tubes also feature conventional non-segmented characters for maximum readability, low power consumption, exceptional reliability and ultra-long life. Raytheon Side-View Numerical Indicator Tubes are available with numerals 0 to 9, characters + and -. Types with custom characters can also be provided. A mating Raytheon tube socket is available at low cost.

... More New Raytheon Data Display Devices

New Datastrobe Digital Readout System (at right) features multi-digit display from a single light source, shared solid-state logic and true 4-bit BCD input ... (Left) Special cathode-ray tubes, available in many sizes, combine electrostatic and magnetic deflection for writing alpha-numeric characters while raster scanning.


For complete information on Raytheon Data Display Devices - or for an operating demonstration - write

to Raytheon Company, Components Division, Industrial Components Operation, Lexington, Mass. 02173



Posted November 30, 2023
(updated from original post on 10/2/2018)

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