Mass Conversions

Mass is the amount of material contained within a defined volume. Technically, it is a measure of a body's resistance to acceleration, but most people don't think of it that way.

This table provides some of the most often used conversion factors between units.

Standard units = Kilogram (kg)

  ounce pound ton gram kilogram slug u
1 oz = 1 6.250 * 10-2 3.125 * 10-5 28.35 2.835 * 10-2 1.942 * 10-3 1.708 * 1025
1 lb = 16 1 0.0005 453.6 0.4536 3.108 * 10-2 2.732 * 1026
1 ton = 3.200 * 104 2000 1 9.072x105 907.2


62.16 5.465 * 1029
1 g = 3.527 * 10-2 2.205 * 10-3 1.102 * 10-6 1 0.001 6.852 * 10-5 6.024 * 1023
1 kg = 35.27 2.205 1.102 * 10-3 1000 1 6.852 * 10-2 6.024 * 1026
1 slug = 514.8 32.17 1.609 * 10-2 1.459 * 104 14.59 1 8.789 * 1027
1 u = 5.855 * 10-26 3.660 * 10-27 1.829 * 10-30 1.660 * 10-24 1.660 * 10-27 1.137 * 10-28 1

† = atomic mass unit