Volume Conversions

The volume of any solid, liquid, plasma, vacuum or theoretical object is how much three-dimensional space it occupies, often quantified numerically. One-dimensional figures (such as lines) and two-dimensional shapes (such as squares) are assigned zero volume in the three-dimensional space. Volume is commonly presented in units such as mL or cm3 (milliliters or cubic centimeters).

Volumes of some simple shapes, such as regular, straight-edged and circular shapes can be easily calculated using arithmetic formulas. More complicated shapes can be calculated by integral calculus if a formula exists for its boundary. The volume of any shape can be determined by displacement. - Wikipedia

Standard units = Cubic meters (m3)

  cubic inch cubic foot gallon cubic cm cubic m liter
1 in3 1 5.787 * 10-4 4.329 * 10-3 16.39 1.639 * 10-5 1.639 * 10-2
1 ft3 = 1728 1 7.481 2.832 * 104 2.832 * 10-2 28.32
1 gallon = 231 0.1337 1 3785 3.78510-3 3.785
1 cm3 = 6.102 * 10-2 3.531 * 10-5 2.642 * 10-4 1 10-6 10-3
1 m3 = 6.102 * 104 35.31 264.2 106 1 1000
1 li = 61.02 3.531 * 10-2 0.2642 1000 10-3 1