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Cafe Press

Westinghouse Radio
August 13, 1945 Life Article

August 13, 1945 Life

August 13, 1945 Life Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early technology. See articles from Life magazine, published 1883-1972. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Westinghouse, headquartered in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was a major force in all aspects of commercial broadcast radio. The company designed, manufactured, installed, and managed broadcast studios and transmission equipment. They also made some of the greatest complexity and quality receivers. Many were truly masterpieces that complimented rooms outfitted with high end furniture. Other companies like Crosley also made very large, multi-featured consoles with record-changing phonographs, AM and shortwave receiver bands with pushbutton tuning, AGC and AFC circuits, ample storage space for records, built-in antennas, AC or DC operation, and other bells and whistles. Curvaceous solid and plywood construction was solid and finishes had a deep luster. This full-page 1945 Life magazine advertisement was a pitch for what would have been one of the first new radios sold at the end of World War II, during which all resources had been dedicated to military equipment thanks to the War Powers Act of 1941. Although not mentioned, I'm guessing the girl is the daughter of either John Charles Tomas or Ted Malone, both of whom are mentioned.

Westinghouse Radio Ad

Westinghouse Radio, August 13, 1945 Life - RF CafePop Says That the New Westinghouse Radio is Gonna be Wonderful!

Tone so True, You Seem to Be There!

Room to Store a Stack of Records Almost as Tall as I Am!

Your Westinghouse radio retailer displays this Gold Seal Emblem - When the new Westinghouse radios are ready you will see them at his store

Tune In: John Charles Tomas - Sunday, 2:30 P. M., EWT - NBC.

Ted Malone - Monday through Friday, 11:45 A. M., EWT - Blue Network.

A Record Changer That Will Keep on Working ... Even for Me!


Radio Television

Home Radio Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunbury, Pennsylvania



Posted February 22, 2024

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