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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

Geometry - Cylinders, Cones & Spheres


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Zone and Segment of One Base


Volume and surface area of a sphere - RF Cafe - RF Cafe

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Zone and Segment of Two Bases

Volume and surface area of a sphere - zone and segment of two bases - RF Cafe - RF Cafe

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Surface area of a sphere - lune - RF Cafe - RF Cafe - RF Cafe in radians


Spherical Sector

Volume of a sphere - spherical sector - RF Cafe - RF Cafe


Here are handy formulas for some of the most commonly used cylinders, cones, and spheres, all with symmetry about the axis of rotation. Equations for surface area, volume, and circumference are provided. They were gotten from CRC Standard Math Tables, 1987.


    B1= area of lower base

    B2= area of upper base

    D = diameter

    h = altitude

    R = radius of base

    S = lateral surface

    s = slant length,

    T = total surface

    V = volume


Right Circular Cone

Volume and surface area of a right circular cone - RF Cafe

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Frustum of Right Circular Cone

Volume and surface area of a frustrum right circular cone - RF Cafe - RF Cafe

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Right Circular Cylinder

Volume and surface area of a cylinder - RF Cafe - RF Cafe

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe