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Learn from Men Who Are Pioneering Electronics
July 1959 Popular Electronics

July 1959 Popular Electronics

July 1959 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Here is a recruitment advertisement published by the the U. S. Army in the July 1959 edition of Popular Electronics. This was only a few years after the Korean War ended in 1953 and a couple years before we got involved in the Vietnam War in 1961. It's always interesting to see what the mindset about the current state of electronics was many moons ago, and to compare it with today's technology. In the same manner, people 60 years from now will look at today's recruitment ads and be amazed at how relatively crude our contemporary state of the art is.

Learn From Men Who Are Pioneering Electronics

Army Recruitment Advertisement, July 1959 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe

PIONEERED BY TODAY'S ARMY. Development of guided missiles and electronics for defense was pioneered by today's Army. That's why Army electronics and missile training rank with the world's finest. And that's why you're now able to get a technical education worth thousands of dollars - at no cost to you!

CHOOSE BEFORE ENLISTMENT. Train in a field you pick yourself! Choose from Electronics; Radar & TV Repair; Atomics; Guided Missiles; many more. If you qualify for either the Graduate Specialist Program or the "Choose-it-Yourself" Vocational Training System - your choice is guaranteed before enlistment!

GRADUATE SPECIALIST PROGRAM. The Army's exclusive Graduate Specialist Program allows qualified high school graduates to choose from 107 classroom technical courses. Successful candidates have their chosen course guaranteed before enlistment. (High school seniors can apply before graduation and enlist after.)

"CHOOSE· IT· YOURSELF" VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEM. For the capable man who may lack a high school diploma, the new Army "Choose-it-Yourself" Vocational Training System lets you choose your vocational training before you enlist. To qualify, you must pass selective aptitude and physical examinations .

SEND FOR THIS NEW BOOKLET ... IT'S FREE. Find out all about these two Army educational opportunities in a new 48-page booklet entitled The Secret of Getting Ahead. Learn how to apply, how to qualify, how to choose your electronics training before enlistment. Order your free copy by mailing coupon today.




Dept. of the Army

Washington 25, D.C., ATTN: AGSN



Posted September 17, 2019
(updated from original post on 10/1/2011)

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