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Stereo-itis: Stereo As It Affects Cullen
November 1961 Popular Electronics

November 1961 Popular Electronics

November 1961 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Here's a little more electronics humor from the November 1961 issue of Popular Electronics magazine. This time the topic is stereo equipment, which was a big deal in the era. Most equipment was still of the vacuum tube variety, and the country was still enjoying the post-Korean war and low inflation economy, so there was disposable income to be spent on creature comforts. Hobby and home improvement magazines od the day were filled with reviews and recommendations on receivers, speakers, phonographs, tape players, tone arms, stylus types, cables, antennas, and all the support equipment. Articles on room design for optimized acoustic properties included sound absorbing ceilings, walls, and floors, speaker placement, furniture location for the best stereo (and quadrophonic) experience, etc. If you look at the table of contents pages for Popular Electronics in the 1960's through 1970's, you'll find many such articles - and of course loads of advertisements.


Stereo as it affects ---  by James P. Cullen

Stereo-itis: Stereo As It Affects Cullen, November 1961 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe

"I'm sorry to report that your living stereo ... has died."

"I'd like to try that anesthesia by stereo, but all I have are Desi Arnaz records."

"It's about my husband and that damn stereo, Doctor."

"With three women in the house, I don't think I could stand stereo."



Posted September 29, 2022
(updated from original post on 9/19/2012)

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