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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

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Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Audel's Radioman's Guide Advertisement
September 1942 Radio-Craft

September 1942 Radio-Craft

August 1945 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Theodore Audel, a pen name and company name (Audel Publishers) used by Nehemiah Hawkins, published many technical handbooks covering electronics, mechanics, electric motors, mill working, carpentry, machining, plumbing, masonry, automotive, steam fitting, physical plant engineering, power generation systems, hydraulics, home appliances, oil burners, sheet metal working, refrigeration, and even gardening. I have a 1945 edition of Audels Carpenters and Builders Guide #1 that came from my grandfather, who was a carpenter. It is chock full of useful information, and I suppose the Radiomans Guide is as well. The title page quote is, "By Hammer and Hand All Things Do Stand." Do an eBay search on "audels radiomans guide" to pick up a hard copy of the original volume for just a few dollars.

Audel's Radioman's Guide Ad

Audel's Radioman's Guide Ad, September 1942, Radio Craft - RF CafeIncluding Frequency Modulation-Television, etc.

Inside Information for all Servicemen - Aircraft Pilots, Students.

772 Pages. 400 Diagrams

is complete - gives Authentic Principles & Practices in Construction, Operation, Service & Repairs. Covers clearly and concisely Radio fundamentals - Ohm's Law - Physics of sound as related to radio science - Measuring instruments - Power supply - Resistors - Inductors - Condensers - Transformers and examples - Broadcasting stations - Radio Telephony - Receivers - Diagrams - Construction - Control systems - Loudspeakers - Antennas - Auto Radio - Phonograph pickups - Public Address Systems - Aircraft & Marine Radio - Radio Compass - Beacons - Automatic Radio Alarms - Short Wave - Coil Calculations - Testing - Cathode ray oscillographs - Static Elimination - Trouble Pointers - Underwriter's standards - Units. Review Questions

-Ready Reference Index .

Complete. Pay $1 A Mo.

To get this practical information in handy form - Fill in and

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Audel, Publishers; 49 West 23rd St., New York

Mail Audels New Radioman's Guide for free examination. If O. K. I will send you $1 in 7 days; then remit $1 monthly until $4 is paid. Otherwise I will return it.







Posted June 20, 2022
(updated from original post on 1/6/2015)

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors