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Cafe Press

Hogarth in Echophone Radio Company Ad
August 1945 Radio-Craft

August 1945 Radio-Craft

August 1945 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Echophone Radio Company EC-1 - RF CafeHogarth is a comic character invented by the Echophone Radio Company. Their bespectacled Army grunt was one of the first technology nerd types who always managed to appear with pretty girls. His caricature evolved quickly over the two or three year run of the advertisements. Most Echophone Radio ads I have seen either feature Hogarth and his woman/women or Hogarth and a demanding sergeant. This full-page advertisement appeared in the August 1945 edition of Radio-Craft magazine. A search on the name "Hogarth" does not give any clue as to the reason for choosing it. For what it's worth, here is the Ancestry.com data on Hogarth. Echophone radios can still be found on eBay for fairly low prices - often less than the shipping cost. 

Here are other Hogarth episodes.

Echophone Advertisement

 - RF CafeEchophone "The Ears of the World"

Hogarth Makes a Date

Hogarth's date with the future embraces new possibilities for Echophone. There will be Echophone equipment for use on the citizens' radio communications service band. It is certain to be low in price, high in performance and completely dependable. The present EC-1 covers from 550 kc. to 30 Mc. on three bands ... electrical bandspread on all bands ... self-contained speaker ... 115-125 volts AC or DC.

*Citizens' radio communications service band, 460-470 Mc., recently proposed by the F.C.C.

Echophone Radio Co., 540 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Illinois


Hogarth in Echophone Radio Ad, November 1943 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe  Hogarth in Echophone Radio Ad, January 1944 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe

More Hogarth Episodes

Hogarth in Echophone Radio Ad, September 1944 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe



Posted September 23, 2022
(updated from original post on 1/27/2015)

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