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Hallicrafters Radio Keyer TG-10-F
October 1945 Radio-Craft

October 1945 Radio-Craft

October 1945 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Gray Mfg. Radio Keyer TG-10-F Morse Code Practice Machine - RF Cafe

Gray Mfg. Radio Keyer TG-10-F Morse Code Practice Machine

Radio Keyer TG-10-F at Code Training Room of USAAF Station No. 238, at Cluntoe Airfield - RF Cafe

Radio Keyer TG-10-F at Code Training Room of USAAF Station No. 238, at Cluntoe Airfield

Interestingly, when I searched for the Hallicrafters TG-10-F Radio Keyer, the first thing that came up was an eBay offering for a Gray Manufacturing Army Signal Corps "Keyer TG-10-F" Morse Code Practice Machine. Evidently more than one manufacturer was contracted to make the model. It looks like a tape record / playback machine, but it feeds a reel of paper strips with dots and dashes followed by straight lines forming letters and words. An optical reader encodes the audio signal for code practice students - up to 300 at a time using the built-in amplifier. Morse code was a primary mode of communication during World War II because the transmit and receive equipment was simple and reliable, and could perform acceptable in the presence of noise and weak signals. It also had the advantage of some level of privacy since most people could not understand code, especially when sent at high data rates (words per minute, WPM). The lower photo to the left shows two of the TG-10-F Radio Keyer machines in the Code Training Room of United States Army Air Force Station No. 238, at Cluntoe Airfield, Ardboe County, Tyrone in Northern Ireland (compliments of the WartimeNI.com website).

Hallicrafters TG-10 Tape Speed Control Knob - RF Cafe

Keyer TG-10-(2) Tape Speed Control (page 2)

Thanks to Lynn L. for letting me know about an online copy of the TG-10-F Technical Manual on the Archive.org website. He also pointed out that there is a speed adjustment control on the machine (which I missed).

Hallicrafters Radio Ad

Hallicrafters Radio, October 1945 Radio-Craft - RF CafeJust one of numerous government radio and electronic items now available through the Hallicrafters Co., Chicago, agent for Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

This is a Keyer TG-10-F, an automatic unit for providing code practice signals from inked tape recordings. Excellent for group instruction, sufficient power to operate up to 300 pairs of head phones. Can be adapted as amplifier of 10 to 15 watts output for use with crystal mike or phono pick up. Completely checked and reconditioned by Hallicrafters engineers. Send coupon for further details and list of other available items.

These Valuable Items Available Now or very soon. Write, wire, or phone for further information

• head phones  • test equipment  • component parts  • marine transmitters and receivers  • code practice equipment  • sound detecting equipment  • vehicular operation police and command sets  • radio beacons and airborne landing equipment

Hallicrafters Radio

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Posted August 23, 2021

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs