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Newark Electric Company, Inc.
November 1946 Radio-Craft

November 1946 Radio-Craft

November 1946 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Around since 1934, Newark Electric is one of the longest-surviving electronic component mail order businesses. In the days before Digi-Key (founded in 1972), Newark was my go-to source for parts I needed ASAP. Allied Electronics (earlier Allied Radio), around since 1928, was my second choice. There was no Internet, so the fastest service was had by calling in your order - while paying a long-distance toll. U.S. Post Office and United Postal Service (UPS, since 1907; my Uncle Brian drove their trucks from Buffalo to/from Cleveland for 40 years) were the two prime delivery service of the era (FedEx came online in 1973). Reportedly, its first paper-format catalog was mailed out in 1948, two years after this full-page ad appeared in Radio-Craft magazine. Newark now goes by the name of Newark element14 (the 14th element in the periodic table happens to be silicon). The "About Us" webpage (on the farnell.com website) shows Newark and Newark element14 (in Asia) as being Avnet companies. In 1946 there were many hometown electronics parts outlets that included repair shops, hardware stores, and department stores, so much of what a person needed was available locally.

Newark Electric Company, Inc. Ad

Newark Electric Company, Inc., November 1946 Radio-Craft - RF CafeWhatever You Need in Radio or Electronics

Parts ... Sets ... Kits

Testing Equipment ... Tools

Public Address Equipment


You Can Get It At Newark


Three big stores, each carrying tremendous stocks, are ready to serve you with tools, replacement parts, test equipment, sets or anything else you need. Wire, write or telephone if you can't visit one of our stores. If you can visit with us you'll find our trained staff of tremendous help to you.


Mail orders are shipped the same day they are received. You don't have to wait when you buy from Newark. On special inquiries, we give you full information, prices and delivery dates promptly. Newark will give you service that will help you serve your customers better.

Public Address Systems for Every Need and Purpose

No matter what your public address needs may be, Newark has the outfit that will do the job for you. All the well known, standard makes are carried in stock. Delivery is fast and dependable ... in New York and Chicago we maintain our own delivery system ... for out-of-town customers we ship orders the same day they are received.

All our stores are staffed by trained men who know public address needs and can help you select the outfit that will best serve your purpose. If your needs are unusual, they know how to make up special combinations to satisfy them efficiently.

If you can, visit one of our stores. If you can't come to see us, write, phone or telegraph and your inquiry will be answered promptly and fully. Newark has the stock, Newark has the 'know how', Newark can help you.

Build Your Own Radio and Electronics Devices at Low Cost

With Newark's kits and parts you can easily build radio receivers, transmitters, amplifiers, and other exciting radio and electronics devices,

Make a good radio receiver for yourself or a fine record player with automatic; changer at tremendous savings. You can construct these and many other radio and electronics devices easily. Our men know how to make them and will gladly show you if you can visit one of our stores - or explain clearly by mail.

For Good Buys and a Good Time Visit our Big Bargain Counters

These big bargain counters. in all our stores, are loaded down with special Items available in quantities too small to advertise. Marvelous war-time sets, new small gadgets you can have fun with ... all sorts of new parts and special things you'll want to see. Come in, look around and as.k all the, questions you wish. Come in often you'll have a wonderful time.

Write for Our Big Bargain Bulletin Listing the Latest Available Equipment

Magazines are printed months before you read them, stocks change, new things are developed and made, so we give you the very latest news about the very newest things in radio and electronics in our Big Bargain Bulletin. Send for, your copy today and know all about the latest equipment first. When writing address Dept. F-1

Newark Electric Company, Inc.

New York

242-50 W. 55th Street

New York 19, N.Y.


323 W. Madison St.

Chicago 6, Ill.

New York City Branches: 115-17 W. 45th St. & 212 Fulton St.



Posted March 21, 2022

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