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RCA Radiograms
October 1947 Radio-Craft

October 1947 Radio-Craft

October 1947 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

RCA Radiogram December 1947 (eBay photo) - RF Cafe

RCA Radiogram, December 26, 1947 (eBay image)

"RCA: What it is - What it does" brochure - RF CafeRadio Corporation of America (RCA) was not the inventor of the telegram, but it did decide that the status quo transmitting and delivery services available like the Marconigram were in need of improvement. Accordingly, in 1929 the company initiated its RCA Radiogram, as promoted in this 1947 issue of Radio-Craft magazine. A promotional brochure printed by RCA in 1950 entitled, "What it is - What it does," contrails a lot of detail about the radiogram, including many photos of the operational offices. RCA Radiograms initially could be sent from ship to shore, shore to shore, ship to ship, or shore to ship. No mention was made of being able to send them to/from aircraft. At the time, the cost was 21¢ per word. As with most things, authentic RCA Radiograms can be bought on eBay, so you can own a bit of American history worthy of framing for only a few dollars.

RCA Radiograms Ad

RCA Radiograms, October 1947 Radio-Craft - RF CafeRCA Communications' new world-wide automatic tape relay radio system speeds Radiograms.

New wings for words around the world!

Radiograms "Via RCA" to and from overseas points now are processed by automatic machines which speed your messages through such gateway cities as New York, London, San Francisco and Manila, without delay.

This advanced technique in international radiotelegraphy is the result of wartime research and development. It gives to private messages the same speed, accuracy and dependability which were attained through its worldwide use by the U. S. Army Communications Service during the war.

RCA Laboratories - one of the world's foremost centers of radio and electronic research - is continually pioneering and advancing radio communications in service to the Nation and the public.

When you buy an RCA Victor radio or television receiver, Victrola radio-phonograph, or phonograph record, you are getting, thanks to RCA research and engineering, one of the finest products of its kind science has achieved.

Radio Corporation of America, RCA Building, Radio City, New York 20. Listen to the RCA Victor Show, Sundays, 2:00 P.M., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, over the NBC Network.

At RCA Communications, "Package Sets" contain an automatic sending and receiving unit for a foreign gateway city. Messages, in tape form, received through these machines, are ready for quick delivery or immediate transmission to any part of the world.

Radio Corporation of America

"Victrola" T. M. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.



Posted December 1, 2020

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