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KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Electro-Voice Stereo Speaker
November 1957 Radio-Electronics

November 1957 Radio-Electronics

November 1957 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

While reading this vintage Electro-Voice hi-fi speaker promotion from a 1957 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine, the thought occurred to me that reconstituting that practice of offering products for sale in kit form could help solve at least three problems we have these days: high product costs, lack of knowledge and ability by most people for building material things and understanding how they work, and a shortage of workers willing to do factory jobs. With inflation in the 9% and up range, and government handouts removing the necessity of being a productive citizen by providing handouts, not only are formerly easily procured products difficult to obtain, but the prices are rising outrageously fast. Heathkit and other electronics products companies had a good idea that endured up through the 1980's, until manufacturing made a mass exodus from the U.S. to offshore venues in order to drive prices down. Americans lost good jobs that paid a decent wage while citizens of China and other countries did the work instead for compensation that barely paid for food, clothing, and shelter. Many were, and many still are, virtual slaves at the mercy of Communist dictatorships.

Electro-Voice Ad

Electro-Voice Stereo Speaker, November 1957 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeFor Hi-Fi on a Budget, Follow the Electro-Voice Building Block Plan

Start with your basic speaker and improve your compatible E-V high-fidelity system one economical step at a time by adding Electro-Voice Speaker Building Blocks.

Here, we've started with an SP12 - 12-inch coaxial driver. Later, you add BB2 - a T35 very-high-frequency driver, X36 crossover and AT37 level control with wiring harness. BB2, Net $50. Still later, augment with the BB4-to smooth and disperse treble range, it includes T25A treble driver, with 8HD horn, a second crossover - 800-cps X8 - and a second AT37 level control with wiring harness. BB4, Net $114.

Build Your Own E-V Speaker Enclosure with a Pre-Cut, Pre-Cleated  'Do-It-Yourself' Kit

There's no thrill like building your own speaker enclosure! Economize on your hi-fi system without sacrificing quality by assembling an E-V knock down kit of Korina plywood. Korina is of highest quality, naturally light in color, harder than mahogany, allows finishing to match any shade. There are seven models to choose from.

Shown disassembled is E-V's KD6 kit. Assemble it and you have a duplicate of our factory-built Aristocrat enclosure of folded horn corner design for use with 12-inch drivers or separate multi-way systems. KD6, Net $39.

For all the facts about Electro-Voice 'Listeneered' high-fidelity components, see your distributor and write for complete details.


Electro-Voice, Inc. Buchannan, Michigan

Export: 13 East 40th Street, New York 16, U.S.A. Cables: ARLAB



Posted July 28, 2022

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
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