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Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact "Win-a-Mustang" Contest
December 1964 Radio-Electronics

December 1964 Radio-Electronics

December 1964 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

1964 Ford Mustang magazine advertisement - RF Cafe

1964 Ford Mustang magazine advertisement - $2,368

Sam's Photofact® was the world's premier publisher of service documentation for nearly every make and model of radio, television, tape deck, projector, phonograph, and other domestic type products. By 1964 when this ad appeared in Radio-Electronics magazine, a service shop which owned a copy of every service pack ever printed had probably half a dozen file cabinets filled with folders. Manufacturers typically did not make such information available to the general public or even to shops that did not have service agreements with them. Except for some condensed versions published by magazines, and a couple other minor datapack vendors, Sam's was it. A contest drawing was used when the Ford Mustang first came out that offered a free car to the first place winner. As the ad thumbnail shows, the initial MSRP for the 1965 Mustang was a whopping $2,368 --- the equivalent of about $23,408 in 2024 money. That, of course, was the base price. It's hard to believe, but the base 2024 Mustang is only $30,920. That's 32% more than the 1965 base model, but the base today has a lot more features than in 1965. Fortunately, the new Mustangs do not feature an explode-on-impact gas tank behind the rear seat.

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact "Win-a-Mustang" Contest

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact "Win-a-Mustang" Contest, December 1964 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeYou Can Win This Great Sports Car!

Enter the Photofact® "Win-a-Mustang" Contest!

A Prize for Everyone Who Enters!

First Prize

New 1965 Mustang Sports Car

Second Prize

Luxurious Mink Stole

Third Prize

Ladies Elgin Diamond Wrist Watch

All entrants will receive a special gift just for entering this Photofact contest ...

Contest ends December 31, 1964. Entry forms are available from your Sams Distributor or from Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. (only one entry per contestant accepted). All you do is fill out the entry form, and have it validated by your Distributor. Winners will be determined by a drawing. (Contest limited to U.S.A.; not valid where prohibited by State or local laws).

Drawing Will be Held on January 15, 1965

winners will be notified

Get Your Entry Form Today!

Enter this exciting contest now! Pick up your entry form at your Sams' Distributor, or send coupon below. Do it today! Everyone has an equal chance to win the drawing. All entries must be postmarked before January 1, 1965. Enter this worthwhile contest now!

Contest Closes December 31, 1964

Do it Today!

Available from your Sams Distributor or send coupon

Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Dept. REF-12

4300 W. 62nd St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46206

_ Send my entry form for the "Win-A-Mustang" Contest

_ I am presently a subscriber to a Photofact Service

_ I am not a subscriber to a Photofact Service

Name _________________________________

Shop _________________________________

Address _________________________________

City _________________________________ State _________ Zip __________

My Distributor is: _________________________________



Posted March 1, 2024

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