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November 1953 Radio-Electronics

November 1953 Radio-Electronics

November 1953 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

I'm always tempted to wax nostalgic over ads like this one since they remind me of more care-free childhood and early teenage years when our household had the typical single television set with an antenna on the roof and a 300 Ω twin lead cable running haphazardly down the roof surface and over the metal gutter, stretching under the eave to where it was crushed between the window sill and lower window pane, and snaked along the wall and floor to the TV. In the early days, our antenna was fixed (no rotator). Situated in Mayo, Maryland, about midway between Baltimore and Washington, D.C., where our nearest broadcast stations resided, we somehow managed to get acceptable reception on our low-end black & white television. I don't recall in which direction the antenna was pointed (maybe northwestish to cover both directions equally). It wasn't until sometime in the early 1970s that we finally got our first color TV that the system showed its weakness. The color TV signal is much more complicated and is more sensitive to low signal-to-noise ratio due to its more critical timing for voltage levels and phases. By about 1975, I had had enough and volunteered to put up a better antenna with a rotator and high(er) quality twin lead designed for color TV signals. It made a huge difference, and we were even able to pick up UHF signals that were never tunable before.

Synkote Wire & Cable

Synkote Wire & Cable, November 1953 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeFor Better Wire - Specify Synkote

No matter what your needs ... from 50 ohm Flatline to heavy, rough-tough Jumbo Ovaltube ... it's made by Synkote ... and it's made better!

From precisely constructed air-dielectric TV wires ... from the inside to the outside ... physically or electrically - Synkote wire is superior. Get the best - at no added cost.

Discover how you can benefit by giving and getting better service ... make more profits ... if you use Synkote TV wires. Call your Plastoid representative or write us - Now!

Manufactured by the mile ... tested by the inch

Plastoid Corporation

42-61 24th St., Long Island City, N.Y.



Posted October 19, 2020

Temwell Filters
Cafe Press


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