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Amphenol Advertisement
October 1945 Radio News

October 1945 Radio News
October 1945 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Amphenol has been around since 1932, when founder Arthur Schmitt offered sockets for vacuum tubes, just 12 years before this ad appeared in Radio News magazine. Now headquartered in Wallingford, CT, the company began life in Chicago, Illinois. Amphenol was a major supplier of coaxial cable in the days when most of the cable Americans used was produced in the country. Alpha Wire, Amphenol, Carol Cable (now part of General Cable), and General Cable are the names that come to mind that were around in the 1970s when I entered the radio-electronics realm. The radar system I worked on in the USAF, and all of the defense electronics electronics systems I worked on as a technician and engineer, used those four brands. Today, of course, there is a seemingly unlimited number of coaxial cable suppliers, many of which produce sub-standard products that do not hold up under even typical operational environments. Caveat emptor.

Amphenol Advertisement

Amphenol Advertisement, October 1945 Radio News - RF CafeAmphenol Offers Widest Selection

of Approved R-G Cables

Immediate Delivery

Amphenol's government approved "Coax" and "Twinax" R-G Cables today represent the maximum in types available from a single manufacturer - a definite advantage. There is usually a size for every normal requirement. But "special" needs too are promptly met. They embody the same widely experienced engineering, high quality materials and dependable production that have made Amphenol products famous the world over. And you can have immediate delivery on most Amphenol Cable types. So depend on Amphenol for any high frequency cable requirements. Catalog Section D brings you detailed technical data and helpful illustrations.

American Phenolic Corporation

Chicago 50, Illinois

In Canada - Amphenol Limited - Toronto

U.H.F Cables and Connectors - Conduit - Fittings - Connectors (A-N, U.H.F., British).

Cable Assemblies - Radio Parts - Plastics for Industry



Posted August 9, 2022
(updated from original post on 3/4/2015)

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs