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Eastern Amplifier Corporation Advertisement
April 1945 Radio News

April 1945 Radio News
April 1945 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Eastern Amplifier's history is well hidden on the Web. The best clue I could find regarding their history is from this interview on Ralph Baer who says Eastern Amplifier Company became Loral. (see p13. The title of "It's Spring... and the Plants Are Booming!" was a double entendre playing off the drawing of a mother and her daughter standing in a field, but actually referring to the industrial war machine cranking out weapons and supplies for our troops "Over There." It reminds me of an older radio host who would remark that he could remember "the bees buzzing" as heard from his back yard on Long Island. He was alluding to the 'B-' series bombers taking off and landing from Mitchel Field near his home.

Note: Amazingly, the grandson of Eastern Amplifier company founder Leonard Meyerson, Matt Meyerson, saw this page and wrote the following (with permission to print): "I saw an old add from a company called Eastern Amplifier on your website. It was started by my grandfather in WW2 who was an inventor of weapons and defense equipment. The company had, in fact, become Loral when my grandfather's lawyer and a partner convinced my grandfather, not a savvy businessman but a genius engineer, to sell his stake in the company for $100k to "blind investors" who happened to be the lawyer and his partner - Lorenz and Alpert - hence Loral. Not much exists about the company but was cool to find this ad on your site. I sent [this link] to my dad who worked in my grandfather's‎ factories. My grandfather's name was Leonard Meyerson."

Eastern Amplifier Corporation Ad

Eastern Amplifier Corporation Advertisement, April 1945 Radio News - RF CafeIt's Spring ...

and the Plants are Booming!

No, that's not a typographical error. We're not speaking of the agricultural variety of plants. We mean war plants - like this one at Eastern - and we mean booming!

When the Japs dive-bombed us into war, all America prayed for a quick ending. Yet here is still another Spring - a fourth peace-shattered Spring - and the enemy is still fighting back.

It's a tough war and we at Eastern Amplifier know it! Eastern is all-out for Victory, doing its utmost to help end the conflict before another Spring comes. Eastern-built equipment is helping America's war machines to navigate with certainty - to bomb with accuracy. But we're not stopping there! Eastern engineers are available for consultation on any electronic problem. They are serving now!

With the advent of peace, we shall turn our skill to the creation of better electronic products for a better America. Meanwhile, on request, let us send you the next of a series of articles on important phases of electronics, prepared by our engineering staff. Ask for Brochure 4-E.

Manufacturer's Representatives - write today for our post-war distribution plan. Please outline your present operations.

Eastern Amplifier Corporation

U. S. Reg'n. Applied For

794 East 140th Street

New York 54, N. Y.

Buy more War Bonds  



Posted February 23, 2022
(updated from original post on 11/9/2014)

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