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Helen Staniland Quam Elected President of the Association of Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, Inc.
June 1958 Radio & Television News

June 1958 Radio & TV News
June 1958 Radio & TV News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Female RF Cafe visitors might be interested to learn from this "Within the Industry" column which appeared in the 1958 Radio & TV News magazine of Helen Staniland Quam being elected president of the Association of Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, Inc. She was the first woman to head a major trade group in the electronics industry. A couple pages away in the same issue carried a half-page advertisement for her Quam-Nichols Company. The company was a primary supplier of audio speakers for radio and television original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and for commercial loudspeaker installations. Sadly, other than a mention or two in vintage electronics magazines, there is not much about her accomplishments to be found on the Web. She evidently remarried and assumed the name Helen Staniland Quam Bean, and became president of the Atlanta Music Club.

Helen Staniland Quam Elected President of the Association of Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, Inc.

Helen Staniland Quam Elected President of the Association of Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, Inc., June 1958 Radio & Television News - RF CafeHelen Staniland Quam, of Quam Nichols Company, has been elected president of the Association of Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, Inc. She is the first woman to head a major trade group in this industry.

Helen Staniland Quam - RF CafeMrs. Quam, who is board chairman and distributor sales manager of the firm bearing her name, has been active in trade association work for many years, having served as treasurer of the association for nineteen consecutive years.

Colonel Gail S. Carter, Merit Coil & Transformer Corp., was elected first vice-president of the trade association, and Robert E. Svoboda of Amphenol Electronics Corp. was chosen second vice-president. Re-elected officers include Kenneth Hathaway, Ward Leonard. Co., treasurer, and Kenneth C. Prince, executive secretary.

The association also paid tribute to A. N. (Bud) Haas of Bud Radio, first president of the association and last chairman of the informal predecessor organization, as he relinquished his gavel to the newly elected president, Mrs. Quam.



Posted April 9, 2020

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