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International Resistance Co.
September 1944 Radio News

September 1944 Radio News
September 1944 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

When reading the opening copy from this 1944's era Radio News magazine advertisement from the International Resistance Company, I wonder whether the same can be said of today's population: "Americans are not sissies. When they know the truth, they can take it - especially when it relates to the war. It's only when somebody tries to fool them, that they rear up on their hind legs and yowl." At the time the "war" was WWII, but today the war and the enemies of our existence as a sovereign nation is not as well defined. The latest example is the COVID-19 virus cooked up in a Wuhan research laboratory and released on the world, while politicians, pundits, and media receiving fortunes and favors from China do their best to excuse and cover the deed. In 1944, people of the free world would never have succumbed to the useless mask and business restriction mandates imposed in 2020 and continued through today. Now there is a push to vaccinate everyone on the planet with an experimental drug that has not undergone traditional trials, and with no control group against which to compare the results. History almost always reveals the truth, but by then the damage has been done.

International Resistance Co. Ad

International Resistance Co., September 1944 Radio News - RF CafeYour customers can "take" it.

By Don Herold

Americans are not sissies. When they know the truth, they can take it - especially when it relates to the war.

It's only when somebody tries to fool them, that they rear up on their hind legs and yowl.

So, you can afford to be frank and honest with your customers about probable slowness of delivery, inferiority in details of repairs and your other possible wartime shortcomings.

You don't have to be ashamed of them or to fib about them. Everybody knows there's a war and that Hitler started it - not you.

The only mistake you can make is to give promises you can't keep, or do an inferior job that you don't explain to the customer.

Your customers will even like you better for putting all your cards on the table, and remember, customers will count again, buy and buy. Keep them friendly for those selling days to come.

Even your distributor may have to turn you down occasionally on International Resistance Units. But he's pretty sure to do it pleasantly, with the result that you'll understand his position based on the continued need for I R C resistors in vital war equipment.

No. 7 in a series of special messages prepared by America's famous business writer, humorist and cartoonist, Don Herold ... In sponsoring these Don Herold "broadcasts," I R C pays tribute to the thousands of Radio Service Men who, whenever possible, specify and use I R C resistance units in their work.

401 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 8, Pa.

IRC makes more types of resistance units, in more shapes, for more applications than any other manufacturer in the world.



Posted June 24, 2021

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
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Temwell Filters