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Ken-Rad Radio Tube Advertisement
April 1947 Radio News

April 1947 Radio News

April 1947 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Achieving what we consider relatively simple results with electronics indicators used to be cutting edge technology. This 6AL7-GT Electron-Ray Indicator Tube by Ken-Rad (a division of General Electric) provided a dual-channel electrofluorescent (i.e., cathode ray) display of relative signal strength or tuning the new-fangled FM radio stations. It was promoted in this 1947 issue of Radio News magazine. The tube could also be used, of course, for many other applications where Duracell PowerCheck - RF Cafesignal strength from any measured process: fuel level, voltage, temperature, stock price, phase angle, sound volume, speed, etc., needed to be measured. Today, we have electrochemical indicators so cheap that they are built into off-the-shelf batteries at Walmart.

Ken-Rad Radio Tube Advertisement

Ken-Rad Radio Tube Advertisement, April 1947 Radio News - RF CafeMore Accurate FM-AM Receiver Tuning by Means of Ken-Rad's Revolutionary New Tube!

The 6AL7-GT Electron-Ray Indicator Tube

General Electric research, plus Ken-Rad development work, are responsible for the brilliant new 6AL7-GT indicator tube - most modern step in the direction of fast, accurate receiver tuning, FM and AM.

An electron-ray tube, twin light patterns appear on a fluorescent screen at the end of the glass bulb. These take the form of green bands which vary in depth according to changing voltages brought about in the process of tuning.

Extremely close FM, discriminator tuning may be accomplished by matching depths of the 6AL7-GT's light patterns. How the patterns appear to the eye under various off-channel, on-channel, off-tune, and on-tune conditions, is diagrammed below. Three FM circuit applications are shown, A fourth - AM - illustrates how avc voltage may be used for tuning purposes by checking the depth of the two light patterns working as a unit.

Easy to see and read ... Previous indicator tubes, developed for AM, have had reflecting targets, giving poor visibility because cathode and deflecting plates were placed in front of the screen, making it necessary to mask out the center. The fluorescent screen of the new Ken-Rad FM-AM 6AL7-GT is transparent, with electron-ray mechanism located behind, not before the image, thus offering no obstacle to vision.

Ken-Rad is consistently ahead with new tube developments - meaning that Ken-Rad dealers, and servicemen installing Ken-Rad tubes, march in the van of radio progress. Pioneering work by Ken-Rad, as typified by this great new 6AL7-GT indicator tube, enables you to serve all your clients better, whether their radio sets be AM or FM, old-style or new, portables or console models ... Install Ken-Rad tubes for greater owner satisfaction, and resulting bigger profits!

Ken-Rad's outstanding new indicator tube will be on view at the Chicago Parts Show, May 13 through 16. See how it tunes circuits to hairline accuracy with ease and precision! Your visit to the Ken-Rad display will be one f the highlights of your Chicago trip. A cordial welcome awaits you!

Typical Operating Conditions

(indicator service)

Heater voltage 6.3 v

Heater current 0.150 amp

Target voltage 315 v

Voltage, deflection electrodes 1, 2 and 3    0 v

Cathode resistor (approx) 3,300 ohms

Deflector sensitivity (approx) 1.0 mm/v

Fluorescence cut-off, grid volts (approx) -6.0 v

Cutaway view of a Ken-Rad 6AL7-GT, showing screen target, grid, electron-ray deflectors, etc.

The 6AL7-GT's principle of operation is unique and effective. In the cutaway drawing at the right, note that the three deflection electrodes are close to the cathode, with this whole assembly in turn separated from the target by the grid. The latter operates either at cathode potential, or at a few volts negative with respect to the cathode. Because electrons move slowly in the area between cathode and grid, the 6AL7-GT's deflectors easily control the position of the electron beams on the target. Increasing the negative voltage on the grid slows down the electrons still more, augmenting their response to the deflectors' pull and thus heightening the tube's sensitivity.

More detailed technical information and performance data on the 6AL7-GT will be furnished promptly on request. If you manufacture electronic equipment, Ken-Rad tube engineers gladly will work with you to apply the new Indicator Tube to radio receivers or test equipment you may have on your drawing-boards. Communicate direct with Ken-Rad at the address below.

Behind Ken-Rad radio tubes stands Electronics' first and greatest name - General Electric


Division of General Electric Company

Schenectady, New York



Posted August 4, 2022
(updated from original post on 11/25/2016)

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